News Releases for October 2004 | Internal Revenue Service

News Releases for October 2004


通知 :历史内容

这是一份档案或历史文件,可能无法反映当前的法律,政策或程>序。 Cited as Most Reliable Government Web Site

IR-2004-131 — is one of the first winners of a new awards program designed to recognize excellence in Web site performance.

Check Carefully Before Applying for Offers in Compromise

IR-2004-130 — Don't fall for promoters' promises - taxpayers must meet requirements for an offer in compromise.

IRS Revises Offer in Compromise Application Form; Now Available for Use

IR-2004-129 — IRS has revised Form 656 to make it easier to understand and use.

IRS Tightens Position on Abusive Tax Shelter Settlement Terms

IR-2004-128 — The IRS has tightened its settlement guidelines under which it will accept offers to settle cases with taxpayers that participated in certain abusive transactions.

IRS Announces Pension Plan Limitations for 2005

IR-2004-127 — Most pension plan limitations will change for 2005.

Educators Should Save Receipts for Reinstated Deduction

IR-2004-124 — Up to $250 deductible for classroom supplies.

IRS and Virgin Islands Announce Partnership

IR-2004-123 — Agencies will work together on common tax enforcement issues.

New EITC Assistant Debuts on

IR-2004-122 — New tool helps tax professionals determine clients' eligibility for the Earned Income Tax Credit.

News Release and Fact Sheet Archive

News releases and fact sheets from November 2002 forward and an archive of news releases and fact sheets in PDF format back to 1997.