News Releases for January 2005 | Internal Revenue Service

News Releases for January 2005


通知 :历史内容


IR-2005-11 — The IRS announced a new Web-based tool to help working families determine if they are eligible for the Earned Income Tax Credit.

IR-2005-10 – The IRS today issued interim guidance on two new penalty provisions enacted as part of the American Jobs Creation Act of 2004.

IR-2005-9 — It's fast, accurate and secure. Half the nation’s taxpayers are expected to e-file their tax returns this year.

IR-2005-8 — Regulations released today require certain large corporations and tax-exempt organizations to e-file returns beginning in 2006.

IR-2005-7 — Identifies complexity of the Internal Revenue Code as the most serious problem facing taxpayers and the IRS.

IR-2005-6 — Contributions made to qualified charities to help victims of the Tsunami can be deducted for tax year 2004 even if they are made in January 2005, under a new law enacted on Jan. 7.

IR-2005-5 — The Bulletin includes a detailed look at 130 million individual income tax returns for Tax Year 2002.

IR-2005-4 — New partnership and S-corporation Schedules K-1 are available for the 2004 tax year.

IR-2005-3 — Rule extended to additional taxes voluntarily reported by taxpayers.

IR-2005-2 — New sales tax tables available for taxpayers in Arkansas, California and Virginia.

IR-2005-1 — Highlights include expanded electronic services, easier tax filing rules and new tax law changes; record year expected for e-file.

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