Understanding your CP53C notice | Internal Revenue Service

Understanding your CP53C notice


What this notice is about

We tried to direct deposit your refund, but the financial institution couldn’t process it. We’re researching your account for the next steps.

What you need to do

You don’t need to do anything at this time.

You may want to

  • Call us at the number on your notice if you don’t receive your refund check or a follow-up letter within 10 weeks
  • Monitor your financial accounts

Frequently asked questions

Why was my direct deposit refund returned to the IRS? (Updated January 15, 2025)

A financial institution will reject a refund for a variety of reasons. Most often, the personal information on the direct deposit doesn’t match its records:

  • Name
  • Social Security number
  • Routing number
  • Account number

Why will it take up to 10 weeks to receive my refund? (Updated January 15, 2025)

We must research your account to determine if you should get the refund. We try to balance customer service and tax compliance by reviewing tax returns to prevent fraudulent or incorrect refunds. These critical reviews take time. The following also affect time frames:

  • Bankruptcy
  • An open audit
  • A balance due on a related account (such as a different tax year)

Will calling the IRS give me additional information or speed my refund? (Updated January 15, 2025)

No, calling us won’t speed up your refund. You don’t need to call us unless we send you a letter asking you to contact us. Our telephone assistors won’t be able to provide any additional information.

Tips for next year

  • If you request a direct deposit refund, ensure the account you specify is in your name (or your spouse’s if you have a joint refund).
  • If you changed your name due to a recent marriage or divorce, ensure the name on your tax return matches the name registered with the Social Security Administration.
  • Never direct your refund to an account that belongs to a relative, friend, or tax return preparer.

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