What this notice is about You're receiving this notice because our records indicate you didn't file Form 8872, Political Organization Report of Contributions and Expenditures, for the period on the notice. What you need to do If you believe your Form 8872 was filed timely or that reasonable cause exists for your failure to file the form timely, complete and sign the page of the notice providing an explanation and mail it to the IRS address at the top of the notice. If you filed the form within the last four weeks and used the name and EIN listed, disregard the notice. If you used a different name or EIN, complete the appropriate section on the response form of the notice and return the page to the address on the notice. If you filed the form more than four weeks ago, complete the appropriate section on the response form of the notice. Return the page to the address on the notice with a signed copy of the form you filed. If you filed electronically, include the front page of the form. If you believe you aren't required to file Form 8872, complete the appropriate section on the response form of the notice and return the page to the address on the notice. Frequently asked questions Do we have to file Form 8872 electronically? For periods starting in 2020, organizations must file Form 8872 electronically at IRS.gov/polorgs per the Taxpayer First Act, Pub. L. No. 116-25 Section 3101. How can I file electronically? To file Form 8872 electronically, use the username and password you received when you filed your initial Form 8871 and Form 8453-X, Political Organization Declaration for Electronic Filing of Notice of Section 527 Status. What if I didn't receive my username and password or have forgotten or misplaced it? Complete the appropriate section on the response form of the notice and return the page to us at the address on the notice. You'll receive the username and password in four to six weeks. Reference tools Publication 1, Your Rights as a Taxpayer Full list of tax forms and instructions 是否需要帮助? 您可以授权他人(英文)代表您联系国税局。 查看一下您是否有资格获得低收入纳税人诊所的帮助(英文)。 倘若您在网上未能找到所需信息,请拨打通知或信函顶部的国税局电话号码。倘若您未收到信函或通知,请使用电话协助。 如果您不能自行解决罚款问题,请联系纳税人权益服务处,这是国税局内部的一个独立机构。