What this notice is about
We couldn't locate the return you said was previously filed.
What you need to do
- Read the notice carefully to determine the required form we need.
- If you have a copy of the original return, please re-sign it and send it to us.
- If you don't have a copy of the return, visit Forms & Instructions to get a new form or call 800-829-3676.
- Fill out the Contact Information section of the notice, detach it and send it to us with your re-signed copy or completed form so we receive it by the due date on the notice.
You may want to
- Review your records to ensure we didn't send the original return back because of missing signatures or missing information.
Frequently asked questions
What happens if I don't respond by the due date?
We may consider your return delinquent and begin collection enforcement to secure the return.
Who do I call for assistance?
For assistance with your business return, call 800-829-0115 or for assistance with Form 990-T, Exempt Organization Business Income Tax Return, call 877-829-5500.
- 您可以授权他人(英文)代表您联系国税局。
- 查看一下您是否有资格获得低收入纳税人诊所的帮助(英文)。
- 倘若您在网上未能找到所需信息,请拨打通知或信函顶部的国税局电话号码。倘若您未收到信函或通知,请使用电话协助。
- 如果您不能自行解决罚款问题,请联系纳税人权益服务处,这是国税局内部的一个独立机构。