Modernized e-File (MeF) XML standardization


We have created this page to provide additional information relating to the XML standardization effort.  This site includes the XML Workbooks and additional helpful items to assist in the transition process.

Lessons learned and implementation information

Lessons Learned Implementation Information
XML Standardization Rules to provide additional information regarding lessons learned during the standardization process.

This document contains information relating to the rules and guidelines used when changing Element Names during the XML standardization process.

Lessons Learned Document PDF XML Standards PDF

XML analysis workbooks

Year  Posting Date  Workbook
Tax Year 2014 (06-25-2014) XML Analysis Workbooks TY2014v1.1 ZIP
Tax Year 2014 (05-29-2014) XML Analysis Workbooks TY2014v1.0 ZIP
Tax Year 2013 (09-16-2013) XML Analysis Workbooks TY2013v1.1 ZIP
Tax Year 2013 (06-13-2013) XML Analysis Workbooks TY2013v1.0 ZIP

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