Draft versions of tax forms, instructions, and publications. Do not file draft forms and do not rely on information in draft instructions or publications. If a PDF file won't open, try downloading the file to your device and opening it using Adobe Acrobat. View more information about Using IRS Forms, Instructions, Publications and Other Item Files. Click on a column heading to sort the list by the contents of that column. Enter a term in the Find box Click the Search button 正在显示 0 - 0 of 0寻求帮助 发现 显示每一页 2550100200 搜索清除 您的搜索未返回任何结果。 请尝试以下搜索建议。 搜索提示 • 检查搜索内容是否存在拼写错误 • 尝试搜索其他内容 • 尝试在搜索过程中使用更为常见的用词 • 您还可以尝试使用菜单搜索想要的内容