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Name Date Size Description
Name sbse-04-0225-0007-public.pdf Date 2025-02-27 08:09:54 Size 149.36 KB Description IRM 4.8.8 Interim guidance on issuing statutory notices of claim disallowance and executing form 907
Name sbse-05-0225-0011-public.pdf Date 2025-02-24 09:50:41 Size 150 KB Description IRM 5.7.4 Guidance for application of payments when calculating the Trust Fund Recovery Penalty (TFRP) on tax periods with reduced or fully reversed employer tax credits
Name sbse-05-0225-0001-public.pdf Date 2025-02-07 07:47:18 Size 357.39 KB Description IRM 5.12.7 Interim guidance for revision of sub-section IRM, Special Condition NFTL (Nominee, Alter Ego, Transferee, Successor-in-Interest)
Name sbse-04-1124-0063-public.pdf Date 2024-11-27 13:00:43 Size 146.58 KB Description IRM 4.24.16 Temporary interim guidance for closing and shipping agreed penalty cases to centralized case processing.
Name sbse-04-1124-0046-public.pdf Date 2024-11-26 08:20:48 Size 135.84 KB Description IRM 4.26.6 Interim guidance memorandum group manager concurrence meeting.
Name sbse-05-1124-1134-public.pdf Date 2024-11-22 13:23:00 Size 94.49 KB Description IRM 5.19.17 Updated for language clarity the exclusion of any individual SRP balances From CNC exception; updated broken links; including Taxpayer Services (TS) title formerly Wage and Investment (W&I)
Name sbse-04-1124-0060-public.pdf Date 2024-11-13 08:06:23 Size 172.37 KB Description IRM 4.24.6 Interim guidance for extending the period of limitations to assess air transportation taxes.
Name ts-21-1024-1042-public.pdf Date 2024-11-05 13:07:23 Size 119.37 KB Description IRM 21.2.3 EUP; Individual Online Account; Postal Mail Delivery
Name sbse-05-1124-1100.pdf Date 2024-11-05 10:01:18 Size 94.28 KB Description IRM 5.19.13 Updated for language clarity securing financial information.
Name sbse-04-1024-0052-public.pdf Date 2024-10-30 14:23:58 Size 146.99 KB Description IRM 4.10.1 Interim guidance (IG) for digital signatures on taxpayer-facing forms, letters, and documents
Name sbse-04-1024-0061-public.pdf Date 2024-10-30 14:15:47 Size 140.78 KB Description IRM 4.10.6 Supervisory approval for penalty abatement
Name sbse-04-1024-0053-public.pdf Date 2024-10-30 12:58:33 Size 169.18 KB Description IRM 4.10.6 Temporary interim guidance for timing of supervisory approval of penalties subject to IRC 6751(b).
Name sbse-04-1024-0027-public.pdf Date 2024-10-24 09:55:00 Size 207.18 KB Description IRM 4.26.8 Interim guidance for FinCEN form 113, Title 31 Summons
Name sbse-20-1024-1044.pdf Date 2024-10-24 08:28:39 Size 93.49 KB Description IRM 20.1.4 Update from 2 business days to 1 for NSO or stock-settled SAR payment initiation
Name sbse-04-1024-0051-public.pdf Date 2024-10-08 07:24:31 Size 168.12 KB Description IRM 4.24.2 Interim guidance on fuel sampling requests and form 637 registrations for activity letters CA and CN.
Name sbse-04-0924-0059.pdf Date 2024-09-26 14:07:14 Size 152.75 KB Description IRM 4.24.18 Interim guidance for rerouting unpaid claims to workload selection and delivery for screening.
Name sbse-05-0824-0057-public.pdf Date 2024-08-15 08:24:41 Size 159.58 KB Description IRM 5.7.10 Reissuance of IRM deviation: control point monitoring (CPM) procedures for trust fund recovery penalty (TFRP) cases with COVID-19 tax periods returned from appeals.
Name sbse-04-0724-0041-public.pdf Date 2024-08-02 08:45:50 Size 129.43 KB Description IRM 4.31.1 Temporary deviation for Individual Master File (IMF) Audit Reconsiderations
Name sbse-05-0724-0045.pdf Date 2024-07-31 12:56:36 Size 244.94 KB Description IRM 5.8.7 Interim guidance on SCOIC electronic case approval
Name sbse-05-0524-0039.pdf Date 2024-07-24 12:50:59 Size 224.52 KB Description IRM 5.1.1 Revised Letter 4222 for Abatement & Adjustment
Name ipu-cpr_sbse-11-0411-0832.pdf Date 2024-07-12 21:06:00 Size 28.23 KB Description IRM – Responsibilities
Name lbi-04-0724-0009-public.pdf Date 2024-07-09 11:26:58 Size 135.74 KB Description IRM 4.10.21 Interim Guidance on Form 5472, Information Return of a 25% Foreign-Owned U.S. Corporation or a Foreign Corporation Engaged in a U.S. Trade or Business, and on Issuing Manual Refunds to Foreign QI via the ITS system
Name sbse-05-0624-0033-redacted-links.pdf Date 2024-06-20 14:50:14 Size 188.88 KB Description IRM 5.8.4 Interim guidance on electronic processing of Offer in Compromise (OIC) cases with Appeals.
Name sbse-04-0524-0012.pdf Date 2024-05-14 08:31:18 Size 195.59 KB Description IRM 4.24.6 Interim guidance on Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN) access.
Name sbse-20-0424-0577.pdf Date 2024-05-03 11:13:46 Size 166.58 KB Description IRM 20.1.1 Subsequent requests for penalty relief
Name sbse-05-0424-0020-redacted.pdf Date 2024-05-03 10:39:45 Size 183.93 KB Description IRM 5.8.1 Interim guidance regarding IRS received date for form 656.
Name sbse-04-0424-0021-redacted.pdf Date 2024-05-03 09:23:55 Size 170.33 KB Description IRM 4.26.17 Guidance for related and spin-off FBAR Examinations in SB/SE Examination – Specialty, BSA.
Name sbse-04-0424-0018.pdf Date 2024-05-03 09:14:33 Size 173.49 KB Description IRM 4.24.23 Interim guidance for form 637 applications under IRC 4101 with compliance issues not addressed by the form 637 registration group.
Name sbse-04-0424-0013-redacted.pdf Date 2024-04-26 07:41:36 Size 227.83 KB Description IRM 4.24.8 Electronic case closing procedures in the Issue Management System
Name sbse-05-0424-0017.pdf Date 2024-04-23 10:47:34 Size 226.09 KB Description IRM 5.8.4 Interim guidance on notice of federal tax lien filing for SCOIC employees
Name wi-21-0424-0475 redacted.pdf Date 2024-04-05 14:37:17 Size 137.63 KB Description IRM 21.2.3 TDS SOR mailbox delivery method for authorized representatives
Name sbse-05-0424-0003.pdf Date 2024-04-05 13:01:37 Size 221.56 KB Description IRM 5.8.1 Interim guidance on obsoletion of Form 14640, Addendum to Form 656
Name sbse-04-0124-0009.pdf Date 2024-03-19 08:57:15 Size 436.87 KB Description IRM 4.24.15 Interim guidance for sampling renewable diesel
Name sbse-04-0224-0016.pdf Date 2024-02-15 12:50:16 Size 200.6 KB Description IRM 4.10.2 Interim guidance on conducting unannounced field visits
Name sbse-04-1223-0066.pdf Date 2023-12-28 11:11:53 Size 168.59 KB Description IRM 4.12.1 Interim guidance memorandum for business expenses, deductions and credits on a substitute for return
Name sbse-01-0323-0016.pdf Date 2023-12-28 11:04:53 Size 158.88 KB Description IRM 1.4.20 IRM deviation: evaluative telephone monitoring procedures for frontline managers within campus collection Atlanta
Name sbse-20-1223-1202.pdf Date 2023-12-28 07:04:08 Size 114.17 KB Description IRM 20.1.1 Administrative waiver - relief from the failure to pay penalty for certain taxpayers for taxable years 2020 and 2021
Name sbse-05-1223-1153-redacted.pdf Date 2023-12-12 13:45:27 Size 286.53 KB Description IRM 5.9.8 Added guidance on Chap 11 case files; updated TFRP tolerance, documentation, payments made by a responsible person, and when to check the "changeable terms" box in the CPM
Name sbse-05-1023-0992-redacted.pdf Date 2023-10-12 10:20:13 Size 425.8 KB Description IRM 5.19.1 - Transfer Instructions for Taxpayers Calling to Verify Field Employee ID; Citation Linking to Centralized Authentication Policy
Name sbse-05-1023-0053.pdf Date 2023-10-06 13:19:28 Size 351.47 KB Description IRM 5.8.1 Interim Guidance on Disclosure of Information to Spouses with Joint Tax Liabilities in Offer in Compromise Cases
Name notice-2023-27-nft-as-collectibles.pdf Date 2023-09-15 08:49:34 Size 136.28 KB Description IRS Notice 2023-27
Name sbse-05-0823-0906.pdf Date 2023-08-30 07:33:47 Size 126.32 KB Description IRM 5.9.4 Add Modules with a C- Freeze to Refund Considerations/Problems; Change “Virtual Currency” to “Digital Assets”; Change “Advisory” to “CEASO”
Name sbse-04-0823-0046-redacted.pdf Date 2023-08-11 06:33:26 Size 452.21 KB Description IRM 4.26.17 Rescind IGM SBSE-04-1222-0018, Updated Deviation for FBAR Compliance Activity, to Modify Procedures for CTR Operations’ Building Closure
Name sbse-05-0823-0029.pdf Date 2023-08-08 07:47:55 Size 149.8 KB Description IRM 1.4.52 Interim Guidance on Secure Messaging for SCOIC Employees
Name sbse-05-0723-0041.pdf Date 2023-07-26 17:52:13 Size 123.18 KB Description IRM 5.1.15 Rescission: IRM Deviation for Manual Adjustments of Taxpayer Accounts Related to COVID-19 Legislation
Name sbse-05-0623-0032.pdf Date 2023-07-18 09:08:43 Size 232.47 KB Description IRM 5.8.2 Interim Guidance on ITINs, Liens, and ES payments
Name sbse-04-0723-0034-redacted.pdf Date 2023-07-11 07:11:38 Size 277.37 KB Description IRM 4.26.16 Interim Guidance on FBAR Examination Case Procedures Due to Supreme Court Decision (Bittner v. US)
Name sbse-04-0623-0017.pdf Date 2023-06-06 07:19:37 Size 167.3 KB Description IRM 4.24.1 Excise Examinations of Indian Tribal Governments
Name sbse-04-0423-0026.pdf Date 2023-04-18 12:49:02 Size 159.53 KB Description IRM Issuance of Temporary Interim Guidance for Processing California State Department of Industrial Relations, Division of Labor Standards Enforcement Federal Tax Information Requests
Name sbse-05-0123-0186.pdf Date 2023-01-31 16:20:30 Size 138.05 KB Description IRM 5.9.13 Updated Guidance on ESRP Cases; Caution INTSTB Calculations