Error Correction Amending Reports | Internal Revenue Service

Error correction / Amending reports


Reading 997, TIR and/or 151 acknowledgement files to determine if errors are present

Various segments in the 997.edi acknowledgement files show whether the filing is rejected, accepted without errors, or accepted with errors based on the ANSI syntax of the file. The 151.edi and 151.txt acknowledgement files indicate if there are data errors in the file and if the file was rejected because of those data errors, if there are errors that must be corrected or if there are errors that are simply warnings and do not require correction. The TIR.txt file will show if a filing is out of balance (and therefore rejected) with an indicator flag (**) if that FCN/product code is “out of balance.”

  • If the 997 shows AK5~R (see Section XVI in Publication 3536 for samples), the file is rejected and no 151 file is sent. This indicates structure and/or syntax errors that must be fixed and resubmitted as an original (BTI13=00).
  • If the 997 shows AK5~A and AK9~A~#~#~#, the file has been accepted without errors.
  • If the 997 shows AK5~E and AK9~E~#~#~#, the file has been accepted with errors. The 151 acknowledgements will convey sequence numbers from the TFS and FGS loop along with the transaction set control number (ST02) from the original 813s in order to clearly identify the specific location of errors.
  • If the 151.TXT acknowledgment has the informational message “There are no open errors, this period’s filing is complete,” the file has been accepted; there are no errors that require resolution; and no further action for the period is required.
  • If the 151.TXT acknowledgment has the informational message “There are (n) open errors that MUST be fixed before filing the next period,” action IS required to resolve the open errors before the period is complete. The “FIX” errors will be explained in the 151.TXT file with sequence number, element in error, and error description provided.
  • If any PBI segment of the 151.EDI acknowledgement has “CO” as the 2nd element, the error is a “must fix”. Failure to fix these errors will prevent the next month’s filing from being accepted.
  • If any PBI segment of the 151.EDI has “NA” as the 2nd element, the error is advisory only.
  • If the file does not balance (reported gain/loss does not = calculated gain/loss), both 151acknowledgements will show a code of 9999 and the message “FILE REJECTED - Transaction is out of balance.”. This indicates the filing is rejected and not considered to be timely. Adjust the 813 to balance (by product code/terminal) and resubmit as an original (BTI13=00).
  • The 151.EDI acknowledgements will contain a four digit error code in the third element (PBI03) and a 5 digit error code in the fourth data element (PBI04) that will help explain the error. See Section XVI Tables 4-10 in Publication 3536 for codes.
  • The TIR.TXT acknowledgement (for terminal operator reports only) will show for every terminal control number and product code combination the beginning inventory, total receipts, total disbursements, submitted gain/loss, ending inventory, calculated gain/loss and an indicator flag (**) if that FCN/product code. The TIR.TXT is a delimited file that provides the following: "Filer ID","Period End Date","FCN","Prod Code","Begin Inv","Receipts","Disbursements","Submit G/L","Ending Inv","Calc G/L","Out of Bal?" (Indicator flag “**”).

Sending your prior month's transactions with the current month's data

Transactions occurring in prior months (up to 12 months), not previously reported, will not be rejected if reported in the current month’s filing. These prior period transactions will be included in the computation of gain or loss for the current period. Gain/loss reported should be adjusted for these late transactions so that the file is balanced. Persistent and extensive reporting of transactions after the proper reporting period may result in a penalty for failure to report complete information.

Correcting your 151 acknowledgement "must fix" errors

Send the corrected file using BTI14 “6R” = Replacement. This code should be used when the original submission resulted in “fix” errors and a complete replacement of the file to correct errors is submitted. This cannot be used when the original file for the filing period resulted in warning messages only. This cannot be used when the original file resulted in a “file rejected” message or when no “fix errors” were generated. You may also use the correction transaction with the BTI14 =”CO” if desired.

Correcting a file with a couple of errors

Submit a file (using BTI14 “CO”) containing the corrections, using the sequence numbers provided in the 151 file, prior to the next month’s filing. Alternatively, the entire file can be replaced.

Replacement file rejected as out of balance

The original file with errors and the replacement file submitted to correct those errors are now both rejected due to the out-of-balance condition of the replacement file. Fix the imbalance and other errors and resubmit as an original file BTI13 “00.”

Correcting the reporting of a wrong position holder for a disbursement

Submit a supplemental file using BTI14 “6S” that reverses the incorrect transaction (using negative gallon amount), and add the correct position holder with a corresponding positive gallon amount.