File Description / Source / Format / Notes / Date Created

Articles and Data Release:

The articles and data release are in PDF format. This format is also combined with Excel ver. 4 (XLS) tables in compressed executable (EXE) files.  April 2003.

Controlled Foreign Corporations, 1998 PDF (ZIP) ZIP.  Article. 

Individual Income Tax Rates and Tax Shares, 2000 PDF (ZIP) ZIP.  Article.

Individual Income Tax Returns, Preliminary Data, 2001 PDF (ZIP) ZIP.  Data Release.

International Boycott Reports, 1999 and 2000 PDF (ZIP) ZIP.  Article.

Personal Wealth, 1998 PDF (ZIP) ZIP.  Article.

Projections of Returns to be Filed in Calendar Years 2002-2009 PDF (XLS) XLS.  Article.

Link: Historical Tables and Appendix