SOI tax stats - Compendium of Studies of Tax-Exempt Organizations


IRS Publication 1416

These three compendia feature information on tax-exempt organizations gathered from IRS information returns, Forms 990, 990-PF, 990-T, and 5227. Each is a compilation of articles, papers and tables and includes detailed statistics on topics such as nonprofit organizations, private foundations, charitable remainder trusts, and unrelated business income of exempt organizations.

To obtain copies, see Order information.

The following are available as PDF files.  A free Adobe® Reader is available for download, if needed.

Compendium of Studies of Tax-Exempt Organizations, Volume 3 PDF
Statistics for Tax Years 1989–1998

Compendium of Studies of Tax-Exempt Organizations, Volume 2 PDF
Statistics for Tax Years 1986–1992

Compendium of Studies of Tax-Exempt Organizations, Volume 1 PDF
Statistics for Tax Years 1974–1987

Order information

For copies of these publications, please contact:

Statistical Information Services
Internal Revenue Service (RASS:S:SS:CDD)
Attn: Statistical Information Services
1111 Constitution Ave., NW, K-Room 4112
Washington, DC  20224-0002

202-874-0964 (fax)
SIS email

Learn more about all of the Charitable & Exempt Organizations studies produced by the Statistics of Income (SOI) Division.