SOI Tax Stats - Statistics of Income | Internal Revenue Service

SOI Tax Stats - Statistics of Income


Welcome to the IRS’s Statistics of Income (SOI) program, where you can find out about what we do, the services and products we offer, and how you can work with us. You'll also find links to other useful Federal Government statistics resources here.

About SOI

Interested in what we do, how we do it, and why? Want to know about our organization and its history or find out about its budget? Look here.

Careers with SOI

Interested in numbers? Want to learn about tax law? Consider a career with us. In this section you’ll see what a typical day at SOI is like, how we work together, and who we’re looking for.

SOI products and services

Want to know what we do with all the statistics we create? This section offers descriptions of our many products, and services. Most products are available free on the Web site, but some we do charge for. Find out what we offer, how to get it, and learn what we plan to work on next.

Statistical methodology

This page contains links that discuss typical sampling procedures used in most SOI programs. Aspects covered include sampling criteria, selection techniques, methods of estimation, and sampling variability (coefficients of variation). Some of the nonsampling error limitations of the data are also described, as well as the tabular conventions employed.

Release and dissemination of SOI’s statistical products

On this page you can find information related to the release of SOI's statistical products, how we handle unscheduled corrections, release of preliminary and final versions of statistical products and a schedule of goals for public release of our statistical products. You can also find a statement of our commitment to the scientific integrity of the 13 principle Federal statistical agencies.

Full calendar year public release schedule

This page includes all scheduled public releases for the calendar year.