Private delivery services (PDS) | Internal Revenue Service

Private delivery services (PDS)


Taxpayers or tax professionals can use certain private delivery services designated by the IRS to meet the "timely mailing as timely filing/paying" rule for tax returns and payments. These private delivery services include only the following:

DHL Express:

  1. DHL Express 9:00
  2. DHL Express 10:30
  3. DHL Express 12:00
  4. DHL Express Worldwide
  5. DHL Express Envelope
  6. DHL Import Express 10:30
  7. DHL Import Express 12:00
  8. DHL Import Express Worldwide


  1. FedEx First Overnight
  2. FedEx Priority Overnight
  3. FedEx Standard Overnight
  4. FedEx 2 Day
  5. FedEx International Next Flight Out
  6. FedEx International Priority
  7. FedEx International First
  8. FedEx International Economy


  1. UPS Next Day Air Early A.M.
  2. UPS Next Day Air
  3. UPS Next Day Air Saver
  4. UPS 2nd Day Air
  5. UPS 2nd Day Air A.M.
  6. UPS Worldwide Express Plus
  7. UPS Worldwide Express

The private delivery service can tell you how to get written proof of the mailing date.

Street addresses of the submission processing centers for delivery by a PDS