Tax Year 2024 Affordable Care Act Information Returns (AIR) Known Issues, Schemas and Business Rules


The links below provide information and technical guidance for software developers and transmitters who are interested in developing software for AIR for Tax Year 2024. Included are links to Known Issues, XML Schemas, and Business Rules.

Tax Year 2024 Documents:

Known issues

During production, the Known Issues and Solutions document provides notifications of problems identified, workarounds and date of resolution.

XML schemas, business rules and release memo

Special attention should be paid to the projected start and end dates for AIR Assurance Testing System (AATS) and Production.

Throughout the year updated versions of these files may be posted. Each version will show the start date and end date for both AATS and Production when that file version should be used. Multiple versions of these documents may be in use at the same time. 

Tax Year 2024 Forms 1094-B, 1094-C, 1095-B, and 1095-C

Version  Date Posted  AATS Dates  Production Dates
TY2024v1.0 08/16/2024 Start Date: TBD

End Date: TBD

Start Date: TBD

End Date: TBD


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