Tax pro news and resources | Internal Revenue Service

Tax pro news and resources



Publication 2043, IRS Refund Information Guidelines for the Tax Preparation Community PDF

Publication 2043 contains the latest refund information you can share with your clients along with other information you may find useful.

Earn continuing education credit for data security courses

Tax professionals are becoming the number one target of identity thieves. Enrolled agents and Annual Filing Season Program participants can now earn CE credit for programs covering data security and identity theft topics.

Identity theft information for tax professionals

Cybercriminals target tax professionals to steal sensitive client data that allows them to file fraudulent tax returns using your clients' identities. Think it can't happen to you? It can – and it does. Learn what steps you must take to protect your clients and your business.

Data theft information for tax professionals

The IRS has established reporting procedures for tax professionals who experience a theft or loss of client data. Remember, if the IRS is notified quickly, it can take steps that may help protect your clients from tax-related identity theft.

Get ready

IRS needs your help to get the word out on key information that taxpayers need to know for the upcoming filing season. The "Get Ready" outreach campaign focuses on helping taxpayers understand important tax law changes that may affect the processing of their tax returns and the timing of refunds for some filers. Affected taxpayers can take actions that will help them file their tax returns timely and accurately.

Get replacement Social Security benefits statements Form SSA-1099 online

Help your clients who receive Social Security benefits get their annual benefits statements online through my Social Security. Let your clients know they can get free, instant replacement forms.

Protect your clients; protect yourself

The "Protect Your Clients; Protect Yourself" campaign identifies common sense steps tax professionals can take to guard against identity theft.

IRS Advisory Council issues 2023 Annual Report

IR-2023-207, Nov. 9, 2023 — The Internal Revenue Service Advisory Council (IRSAC) today issued its annual report for 2023, including recommendations to the IRS on new and continuing issues in tax administration.

2024 IRS Nationwide Tax Forum: Educational seminars, special events announced focusing on tax security, scams, practice management and beneficial ownership information

IR-2024-163, June 12, 2024 — The Internal Revenue Service today announced the continuing education agenda for the 2024 Nationwide Tax Forum featuring 45 seminars on a wide array of topics that will help tax professionals serve their clients.

Streamlined processing of installment agreements

IRS is continuing to test expanded criteria for streamlined processing of taxpayer requests for installment agreements. The test has been extended to run through September 30, 2018.

IRS future state

Learn more about the IRS Future State Initiative.

Annual filing season program

This program aims to recognize the efforts of non-credentialed return preparers who aspire to a higher level of professionalism. Meet the requirements by obtaining 18 hours of continuing education, including a six-hour federal tax law refresher course with test, and you will receive an Annual Filing Season Program – Record of Completion from the IRS.


PTIN requirements for tax return preparers

Anyone who prepares or assists in preparing federal tax returns for compensation must have a valid PTIN before preparing returns. All enrolled agents must also have a valid PTIN.

IRS federal tax return preparer directory

A searchable directory is available to help taxpayers find tax pros with credentials and other qualifications.

IRS training and communication tools for tax professionals

Follow IRS on social media, attend a Tax Forum or local seminar, and watch tax videos or IRS webinars.

Abusive tax schemes and abusive tax return preparers

Tax professionals should be careful to protect their clients from tax scams. Those who do take part in scams could face owing more taxes and substantial penalties and interest.

Interactive tax assistant (ITA)

The Interactive Tax Assistant (ITA) is a resource that provides consistent answers to a limited number of tax law questions using a probe and response process. The ITA will guide you to accurate answers that are not readily addressed through simple Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs).

Disaster relief resource center for tax professionals

Visit this resource center to learn how to re-establish your business after a natural disaster.

Deceased taxpayers – Probate, filing estate and individual returns, paying taxes due

Information to help you resolve the final tax issues of a deceased taxpayer and their estate.

Standard mileage rates

A summary of the optional standard mileage rates to be used in computing the deductible costs of operating an automobile for business, charitable, medical, or moving expense purposes.

Third party reporting information center – Information documents

Learn about information reporting requirements for merchant payment cards, cost basis reporting on securities sales and government payments.

Why pay taxes?

The truth about frivolous tax arguments responds to some of the more common frivolous "legal" arguments made by individuals and groups who oppose compliance with the federal tax laws.

IRS advisory committees

General Information on the Art Advisory Panel, Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee (ETAAC), Internal Revenue Service Advisory Council (IRSAC), and Taxpayer Advocacy Panel (TAP).

Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act

FATCA will increase information reporting by foreign financial institutions, non-financial foreign entities, and certain U.S. persons holding financial assets outside the United States.

Section 7216 information center

Find information about Section 7216 including FAQs and revenue rulings.

Valuation of assets

Job aid for IRS valuation professionals to assist in reviewing or developing business valuations.

Collection procedures for taxpayers filing and/or paying late

Links to helpful information for taxpayers who cannot file or pay by the due date.

The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009: Information center

Some of the credits and other provisions, which either expired at the end of 2011 or were set to change or expire at the end of 2012, were extended by the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 (ATRA).