SOI Tax Stats — Tax stats at a glance | Internal Revenue Service

SOI Tax Stats — Tax stats at a glance


Summary of Collections Before Refunds by Type of Return, FY 2019 [1]

Type of Return

Number of Returns

Gross Collections
(Millions of $)

Individual income tax 154,094,555 1,942,182
Corporation income tax 2,146,904 [2] 275,863
Employment taxes 31,566,173 1,207,554
Excise taxes 1,073,183 80,757
Gift tax 239,618 1,563
Estate tax 25,742 16,002

 Selected information from returns filed

Corporate Returns (TY 2017) [3]

Description Amount
Number of Returns 6,325,114 
Net income (less deficit) amount (thousands of $) $1,655,958,437
Total income tax after credits amount (thousands of $) $264,859,782

S Corporation Returns(TY 2017) [3]

Description Amount
Number of returns 4,725,684

Partnership Returns (TY 2018) [3]

Description Amount
Number of returns 4,010,200

Individual Returns

Description Amount
Top 1-percent Adjusted Gross Income (AGI) break (TY 2018) [3] $540,009
Top 10-percent AGI break (TY 2018) [3] $151,935
Median AGI (TY 2018) [3] $43,614
Percent that claim standard deductions (TY 2018) [3] 87.3%
Percent that claim itemized deductions (TY 2018) [3] 11.4%
Percent e-filed (TY 2019) [3] 89.5%
Percent using paid preparers (TY 2018) [3] 52.9%
Number of returns with AGI $1M or more (TY 2018) [4] 541,410
State with the highest number-California (TY 2018) 91,560
State with the least number- Vermont (TY 2018) 590
Number of individual refunds (TY 2018) (millions) [3] 113.5
Individual refund amount (TY 2018) (billions of $) [3] $331.9
Average individual refund amount (TY 2018) $2,924

Earned Income Tax Credit (TY 2018) [3]

Description Amount
Number of returns with credit (millions) 26.5
Amount claimed (billions of $) $64.9

Nonprofit Organizations (TY 2016) [3, 5]

Description Amount
Number of returns (Forms 990 and 990-PF filers) 402,561
Assets controlled by nonprofits (trillions of $) $4.8

Taxpayer Assistance (FY 2019) [1]

Description Amount
Number of toll-free telephone calls and Taxpayer Assistance Center contacts 52,532,719

Sources and footnotes:

[FY] Fiscal Year
[TY] Tax Year
[1] Source: 2019 IRS Data Book
[2] Excludes S Corporations.
[3] Source—SOI data.
[4] Source—IRS Masterfile System
[5] Organizations tax-exempt under Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(3)

Revised: October 2020