SOI Tax Stats - SOI Bulletin: Winter 2011 | Internal Revenue Service

SOI Tax Stats - SOI Bulletin: Winter 2011


Statistics of Income (SOI) Bulletin - Winter 2011 PDF

Article/Author/Summary Excel Tables Related Links

Individual Income Tax Returns, Preliminary Data, 2009 PDF
by Michael Parisi

For Tax Year 2009, taxpayers filed 140.5 million U.S. individual income tax returns, a decrease of 1.3 percent since 2008. Similar to Tax Year 2008, adjusted gross income (AGI) and several other notable items showed a decline for Tax Year 2009.

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Individual Income Tax Rates and Shares, 2008 PDF
by Kyle Mudry

Taxpayers filed 142.5 million returns for Tax Year 2008. Of those, 90.7 million (or 63.6 percent) were classified as taxable returns. This represents the lowest percentage in more than 23 years. A taxable return is a return that has total income tax greater than $0.

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Individual Noncash Contributions, 2008 PDF
by Pearson Liddell and Janette Wilson

For Tax Year 2008, 23.0 million individual taxpayers who itemized deductions reported $40.4 billion in deductions for noncash charitable contributions. Of those taxpayers, 7 million reported $34.6 billion in deductions for charitable contributions on Form 8283, Noncash Charitable Contributions.

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Split-Interest Trusts, Filing Year 2009 PDF
by Lisa Schreiber Rosenmerkel

In 2009, some 122,535 Split-Interest Trust Information Returns (Form 5227) were filed for charitable remainder trusts, charitable lead trusts, and pooled income funds. In total, split-interest trust filers reported $12.3 billion in gross income and $114.9 billion in end-of-year assets.


Tax-Exempt Bonds, 2008 PDF
by Aaron Barnes

More than 24,000 tax-exempt governmental bonds were issued in Calendar Year 2008, raising $334.4 billion in proceeds for public projects such as schools, transportation infrastructure, and utilities. Of the $271.7 billion of long-term governmental bonds issued, $153.8 billion of proceeds were used to finance new projects. The remaining $117.9 billion in proceeds refunded prior governmental bond issues.


Unrelated Business Income Tax Returns, 2007 PDF
by Jael Jackson

Between Tax Years 2006 and 2007, gross unrelated business income, the total of all unrelated business income prior to deductions, reported by tax-exempt organizations increased 4 percent. The $11.7 billion in gross unrelated business income reported for Tax Year 2007 was then offset by $10.3 billion in deductions.


Domestic Private Foundations, Tax Years 2003–2007 PDF
by Cynthia Belmonte and Melissa Ludlum

Tax Years 2003 through 2007 represented a period of both growth and consistency for private foundations. The number of private foundations that filed Form 990-PF increased 10.8 percent between Tax Years 2003 and 2007.


Controlled Foreign Corporations, 2006 PDF
by Lee Mahony and Randy Miller

For Tax Year 2006, 78,249 foreign corporations controlled by U.S. multinational corporations held $11.7 trillion in assets and reported receipts of $4.8 trillion. These controlled foreign corporations (CFCs) paid $98.6 billion in income taxes on $509.5 billion of earnings and profits (less deficit) before income taxes (“E&P”). Both CFC assets and receipts increased by nearly 27 percent from Tax Year 2004, while “E&P” and foreign taxes paid increased by slightly more than 40 percent.


Other sections

In the next issue

The following articles are tentatively planned for inclusion in the spring 2011 issue of the Statistics of Income Bulletin, scheduled to be published in May 2011:

  • High-income individual income tax returns, Tax Year 2008;
  • Gift tax returns, 2008;
  • International boycott reports, Tax Years 2007 and 2008;
  • Foreign person’s U.S.-source income subject to withholding, Tax Year 2008;
  • Individual income tax returns by age of taxpayer, Tax Years 1997 and 2007; and
  • Individual income tax returns, by State, Tax Year 2007.

Link: Historical Tables and Appendix