SOI Tax Stats - SOI Bulletin: Summer 2014 | Internal Revenue Service

SOI Tax Stats - SOI Bulletin: Summer 2014


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SOI publishes the SOI Bulletin quarterly. Our next issue is planned for November 2014. However, to better serve our customers, SOI will release the articles planned for the 2014 Fall Bulletin as they are completed. “New” indicates what has recently been published.

Statistics of Income (SOI) Bulletin - Summer 2014 PDF
(entire publication in PDF)

Featured articles

Foreign-Controlled Domestic Corporations, 2011 PDF
By James R. Hobbs

Foreign-controlled domestic corporations (76,793) accounted for a small share (1.3 percent) of all U.S. corporation income tax returns filed for tax year 2011. Collectively, these corporations produced 16.2 percent ($4.6 trillion) of the total receipts reported by all U.S. corporation income tax returns for the year; however, a small portion of these corporations accounted for most of this amount. FCDCs accounted for 14.4 percent ($11.7 trillion) of the total assets reported by U.S. corporations for 2011.

Excel Tables:  1 XLS, 2 XLS, 3 XLS

Related Link: Foreign-Controlled Domestic Corporations

Municipal Bonds, 2011 PDF
By Aaron A. Barnes

The bonds market was still dominated by the more than 21,000 tax-exempt governmental bonds issued in 2011, raising $297.3 billion in proceeds for public projects, such as schools, transportation infrastructure, and utilities. While overall bond issuance fell between 2010 and 2011, tax-exempt bond proceeds totaled nearly $384.3 billion, accounting for almost all (98.4 percent) municipal bond proceeds for the year.

Excel Tables:  

Related Link: Municipal Bonds


In the next issue

Articles on the following topics are tentatively planned for inclusion in the Fall 2014 issue of the Statistics of Income Bulletin:

  • Sole Proprietorship, 2012
  • Corporate Foreign Tax Credit, 2010
  • Exempt Organizations Unrelated Business Income Taxes, 2010
  • Foreign Trusts, 2010
  • Partnership Returns, 2012
  • Wage Income Elective Retirement Contributions From Form W-2, 2011; and
  • Individual Income Tax Returns, 2012

Historical Tables and Appendix