SOI Tax Stats - SOI Bulletin: Spring 2016 | Internal Revenue Service

SOI Tax Stats - SOI Bulletin: Spring 2016


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Statistics of Income (SOI) Bulletin - Spring 2016 PDF
(entire publication in PDF)

Featured articles

Individual Income Tax Returns, Preliminary Data, 2014 PDF
By Michael Parisi

For Tax Year 2014, taxpayers filed 148.7 million U.S. individual income tax returns, an increase of 0.6 percent from the prior year.  Several notable items showed significant increases in 2014. Adjusted gross income (AGI) rose to $9.7 trillion, an increase of 6.1 percent compared to the prior year. Taxable income also increased appreciably by 8 percent to $6.9 trillion in 2014, as did total income tax, which rose by 10 percent to $1.4 trillion.

Excel Tables:  1 XLS

Related Link: Individual Income Tax Returns

Municipal Bonds, 2012-2013 PDF
By Kelly Dauberman and Aaron Barnes

Municipal bond issuances in 2012 and 2013 totaled $918.4 billion. Almost all of those issuances (99.6 percent) were tax-exempt bonds. Governmental bonds financed almost $729.6 billion in public projects such as schools, transportation infrastructure, and utilities in 2012 and 2013, while private activity bonds accounted for the remaining $185.3 billion of all tax-exempt bonds over the same period.

Related Link: Municipal Bonds
