SOI Tax Stats - SOI Bulletin: Spring 2001 | Internal Revenue Service

SOI Tax Stats - SOI Bulletin: Spring 2001


File Description / Source / Format / Notes / Date Created

Articles and Data Releases:

The articles and data releases are in PDF format.  In most cases, this format is also combined with Excel ver. 4 (XLS) tables in compressed executable (EXE) files.  July 2001.

Charitable Bequests: Evidence from Federal Estate Tax Returns, 1995 PDF.  Article.

Controlled Foreign Corporations,1996 PDF  (EXE).  Article.

Foreign Corporations with Income Effectively Connected with a U.S. Trade or Business, 1995 PDF  (EXE).  Data Release.

Individual Income Tax Rates and Shares, 1998 PDF  (EXE).  Article.

Individual Income Tax Returns, Preliminary Data, 1999 PDF  (EXE).  Data Release.

S Corporation Returns, 1998 PDF  (EXE).  Article.

Unrelated Business Income of Nonprofit Organizations, 1997 PDF  (EXE).  Article.

Link: Historical Tables and Appendix