SOI Tax Stats - SOI Bulletin: Fall 2007 | Internal Revenue Service

SOI Tax Stats - SOI Bulletin: Fall 2007


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Statistics of Income (SOI) Bulletin - Fall 2007 PDF (entire publication in PDF)


Individual Income Tax Returns, 2005 PDF
Article by: Sean Marcia and Justin Bryan, SOI
Taxpayers filed 134.4 million individual income tax returns for Tax Year (TY) 2005, an increase from the 132.2 million returns filed for TY 2004. The adjusted gross income (AGI) less deficit reported on these returns totaled $7.4 trillion, a 9.3-percent increase from 2004.

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Related Link
Individual Income Tax Returns (Form 1040) Statistics


Partnership Returns, 2005 PDF
Article by: Tim Wheeler and Nina Shumofsky, SOI
The number of partnerships increased 8.5 percent, from 2,546,877 in Tax Year 2004 to 2,763,625 in Tax Year 2005. The number of partners increased 4.2 percent, from 15,556,553 in 2004 to 16,211,908 in 2005. Total partnership net income (loss) increased by 42.0 percent, from $384.7 billion in 2004 to $546.2 billion in 2005.

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Related Links

Partnership Returns Statistics



Tax-Exempt Governmental and Private Activity Bonds, 2005 PDF
Article by: Cynthia Belmonte, SOI
State and local governmental units issued over $474.8 billion of tax-exempt bonds during Calendar Year 2005, an 11.9-percent increase over the 2004 level. Governmental bonds accounted for $364.5 billion, or 76.8 percent, of this amount, while tax-exempt private activity bonds accounted for $110.3 billion, or 23.2 percent.

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Related Link

Tax-Exempt Bond Statistics


Private Foundations and Charitable Trusts, Tax Year 2004 PDF
Article by: Melissa Ludlum, SOI
The number of private foundations that filed Form 990-PF remained nearly the same between Tax Years 2003 and 2004, while the number of nonexempt charitable trusts treated as private foundations increased by 12 percent. Private foundations distributed $27.6 billion in contributions, gifts, and grants and other outlays for charitable purposes, while nonexempt charitable trusts distributed $314 million.

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Related Link

Domestic Private Foundation and Charitable Trust Statistics


Charities, Social Welfare, and Other Tax-Exempt Organizations, 2004 PDF
Article by: Paul Arnsberger
Nonprofit charitable organizations exempt from income tax under Internal Revenue Code (IRC) section 501(c)(3) filed more than 276,000 information returns for Tax Year 2004, an increase of 5 percent from 2003. These organizations held more than $2.0 trillion in assets, a real increase of 5 percent from the previous year and 52 percent over the past decade. They reported nearly $1.2 trillion in revenue, 70 percent of which came from program services. Social welfare organizations exempt under IRC section 501(c)(4) filed 25,276 Forms 990 and 990-EZ for 2004.

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Related Link

Charities & Other Tax-Exempt Organizations Statistics



Corporate Foreign Tax Credit, 2003 PDF
Article by: Robert Singmaster, SOI
For Tax Year 2003, U.S. corporations claimed $50 billion in foreign tax credits. Corporations that claimed a foreign tax credit paid $140.5 billion in worldwide income taxes on $424.5 billion in worldwide taxable income. Of these amounts, 36.7 percent, or $51.6 billion, of the taxes and 48.3 percent, or $205.1 billion, of the income were derived from foreign sources.

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Related Links

Corporate Foreign Tax Credits


Celebrating Ninety Years of SOI: Selected Corporate Data, 1916-2004 PDF
Article by: Marty Harris and Ken Szeflinski, SOI
This article describes the availability and expansion of SOI's published corporate data between 1917 and today and presents some corporate data highlights within a historical context. In the earliest years, published data for corporations were very limited. In 1917, they consisted of two income items and six deduction items by industry.

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Related Links

Corporation Tax Statistics


Historical Tables and Appendix.