SOI Tax Stats - Fiscal Year Projections, Publication 6292


Fiscal Year Return Projections for the United States, Fall 2023 PDF

Publication 6292 (Revised 12/2023)

2022 PDF 2021 PDF 2020 PDF 2019 PDF 2018 PDF 2017 PDF 2016 PDF 2015 PDF 2014 PDF 2013 PDF 2012 PDF 2011 PDF 2010 PDF 2009 PDF 2008 PDF 2007 PDF 2006 PDF 2005 PDF

Publication 6292 One Sheet PDF

IRS Publication 6292 contains multi-year projections of the number of tax returns to be filed with the IRS by fiscal year of filing. The publication includes detailed projections by approximately 50 different individual, business, and tax-exempt return types, such as Form 1040, Form 1120, Form 941, and Form 990. There is also additional detail by medium of filing (paper versus electronic) and by IRS business operating division categorizations.

Related tables:

Historical tables XLSX:

Fiscal Years: 2005–2021