SOI Tax Stats - County data - 2015 | Internal Revenue Service

SOI Tax Stats - County data - 2015


County data - 2015

Data files are available for download in Comma Separated Values files (.csv file extension) - Data items are separated by commas, where each new line represents a new row, and by Excel files by State (.xls file extension).


County Income Data Users Guide and Record Layouts DOC (Word document)

County data

.csv Files
2015 (all States, includes AGI)   2015 (all States, does not include AGI)

Gross County File
2015 XLS

Zip File (contains the Documentation, the .csv files, and all State files in Excel format)
2015 ZIP

County data by individual state

Alabama XLS Kentucky XLS North Dakota XLS
Alaska XLS Louisiana XLS Ohio XLS
Arizona XLS Maine XLS Oklahoma XLS
Arkansas XLS Maryland XLS Oregon XLS
California XLS Massachusetts XLS Pennsylvania XLS
Colorado XLS Michigan XLS Rhode Island XLS
Connecticut XLS Minnesota XLS South Carolina XLS
Delaware XLS Mississippi XLS South Dakota XLS
District of Columbia XLS Missouri XLS Tennessee XLS
Florida XLS Montana XLS Texas XLS
Georgia XLS Nebraska XLS Utah XLS
Hawaii XLS Nevada XLS Vermont XLS
Idaho XLS New Hampshire XLS Virginia XLS
Illinois XLS New Jersey XLS Washington XLS
Indiana XLS New Mexico XLS West Virginia XLS
Iowa XLS New York XLS Wisconsin XLS
Kansas XLS North Carolina XLS Wyoming XLS

Data by metropolitan and micropolitan statistical areas

Metropolitan and Micropolitan (metro and micro) statistical area data show selected income and tax items, based on SOI’s county data, classified by metro and micro areas and size of adjusted gross income. Metro and micro areas, otherwise known as Core Based Statistical Areas (CBSA), are geographic entities delineated by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for use by Federal statistical agencies. A metro area contains a core urban population of 50,000 or more, and a micro area contains an urban core population of at least 10,000 (but less than 50,000). Metro and micro areas may consist of one or more counties based on a region’s core urban area, or one or more counties that have a high degree of social and economic interactions, such as commuting patterns, wholesaling, commodity distribution, and recreational activities.

Metro and micro area data are only available for download as a Comma Separated Values file (.csv file extension)—Data items are separated by commas, where each new line represents a new row. Details on the selected income and tax items can be found in the County Income Data Users Guide and Record Layout DOC.



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