SOI Tax Stats – Corporation Source Book (Publication 1053) | Internal Revenue Service

SOI Tax Stats – Corporation Source Book (Publication 1053)


The Corporation Source Book presents balance sheet, income statement, tax, and other selected items by size of total assets for all returns with and without net income. Statistical tables are available by industrial sectors, major groups within a sector, and minor industries within a major group. Industry detail is based on the North American Industry Classification System (NAICS). The Corporation Source Book, which underlies the Statistics of Income—Corporation Income Tax Returns publication (i.e., the Complete Report), is part of an annual series.

The Tax Stats Table Wizard tool is no longer available due to declining usage and budgetary pressures.  However, both the public-use microdata and aggregated data used in the Table Wizard programs remain available as part of SOI's Tax Stats Web pages. For any questions or concerns, contact Statistical Information Services.

Download all source data contained in the Excel files.

Please visit the Corporation Metadata page for additional information about the Corporation Source Book.

Data are available for years 2000–2013. Scroll down or click here for years 2000–2012

2013 Corporation Source Book, Publication 1053

Section 1 PDF
Includes the Table of Contents, Industry Statistics and Their Limitations, Industry classifications, and Notes (.pdf).

Section 2 ZIP
Includes all tables of Returns with and without Net Income (.zip)

Section 3 ZIP
Includes all tables of Returns with Net Income (.zip)

Section 4 ZIP
Includes all tables of Form 1120S Returns with and without Net Income (.zip)

Section 5 ZIP
Includes all tables of Form 1120S Returns with Net Income (.zip)

Section 6 ZIP
Includes all tables of Form 1120S Returns with Total Net Income (.zip)

Section 7 PDF
Includes Tax Forms 1120 and 1120S for Tax Year 2013 (.pdf)


Sections 2–6 are available as single Zip files containing all Excel files for each Section. The files are compressed using the WinZip utility and must be downloaded and extracted before viewing or loading into any application. A free WinZip utility is available, if needed.

Follow these steps to extract files for the entire Section (i.e., all tables of Returns with Net Income) or for an individual table.

To extract all tables from a Section using WinZip:

  1. Double click the Zip file to open the WinZip utility.
  2. Click and drag the folder to your desktop.


  1. Double click the Zip file to open the WinZip utility (NOTE: SecureZIP users should follow the following steps).
  2. Click the ‘Extract’ button. Ensure that the radio button, ‘All Files in Archive Selected’, is selected.
  3. Select a destination folder.
  4. Click the ‘Extract’ button.

To extract an individual table using WinZip:

  1. Double click the Zip file to open the WinZip utility.
  2. Double click the folder.
  3. Click and drag the desired Excel file(s) to your desktop.


  1. Double click the Zip file to open the WinZip utility (NOTE: SecureZIP users should follow the following steps).
  2. Highlight the desired Excel file(s).
  3. Click the ‘Extract’ button. Ensure that radio button, ‘Selected Files/Folder’, is selected.
  4. Select a destination folder.
  5. Click the ‘Extract’ button.

Statistical Tables by Industrial Sector (All Sectors) prior years, 2000–2012

Preliminary Release Statistical Tables

Three statistical tables presenting Tax Year 2014 SOI Corporation data at the "All Industry" level are now available on SOI's Tax Stats Web pages. The tables consist of all returns with and without net income by size of total assets, all returns with net income, and 1120S returns with and without net income. This is a preliminary release of tables while the Statistics of Income Division continues its evaluation of the impact of recently modified IRS disclosure guidelines on the publication of corporation tax return information. Under this preliminary release, only the first table is presented by size of total assets.