Corporation depreciation data
These tables provide by NAICS industrial sector the numbers of returns claiming depreciation and the respective amounts from nearly all lines on the front page of the Form 4562, “Depreciation and Amortization”. The data exclude amounts reported on Forms 1120-S, 1120-REIT, and 1120-RIC. A free Excel viewer is available, if needed.
- 2013 XLS
- 2012 XLS
- 2011 XLS
- 2010 XLS
- 2009 XLS
- 2008 XLS
- 2007 XLS
- 2006 XLS
- 2005 XLS
- 2004 XLS
- 2003 XLS
- 2002 XLS
- 2001 XLS
- 2000 XLS
Corporation Depreciation Data for Tax Years after 2013 is now available in Table 13 XLSX of the Corporation Complete Report.