Found 5 Matching Items; Displaying 1 - 5.
Tax withholding
Find tax withholding information for employees, employers and foreign persons. The withholding calculator can help you figure the right amount of withholdings.
General Information
Tax withholding
Learn about income tax withholding and estimated tax payments. Use the IRS Withholding Calculator to check your tax withholding and submit Form W-4 to your employer to adjust the amount.
General Information
Missed the April tax deadline? File and pay by June 14 to avoid a larger penalty and interest
IR-2022-123, June 9, 2022 — The Internal Revenue Service today advised taxpayers who missed the April tax deadline that they can usually avoid a larger penalty by filing their 2021 federal income tax return and paying any tax due by Tuesday, June 14.
News Media
Special issues for employers: Taxation and deductibility of tax credits
Find answers to questions about special issues for employers for the COVID-19-related tax credits for required paid leave provided by small and midsize businesses including: taxation and deductibility, interaction of FFCRA tax credits with other tax credits, use of third-party payers and other issues.
General Information
Exempt Organizations Update archive
An archive of email updates and alerts from the IRS about developments in exempt organizations tax law and regulations, upcoming IRS training and events, and other information.
General Information
Charities and Nonprofits