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About Form 1040, U.S. Individual Income Tax ReturnInformation about Form 1040, U.S. Individual Income Tax Return, including recent updates, related forms, and instructions on how to file.
Form 1040
PDF version of Form 1040.
Instructions for Form 1040
Instructions explaining how to file Form 1040.
Schedule 1
Additional Income and Adjustments to Income
Schedule 2
Schedule 3
Nonrefundable Credits
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Instructions for Form 1040-SS, U.S. Self-Employment Tax Return (Including the Additional Child Tax Credit for Bona Fide Residents of Puerto Rico)
Form 1040-SS, U.S. Self-Employment Tax Return (Including the Additional Child Tax Credit for Bona Fide Residents of Puerto Rico), is for residents of the U.S. Virgin
Islands (USVI), Guam, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico) who are not required to file a U.S. income tax return but who have self-employment income or are eligible to claim certain credits.
Forms and Instructions
Publication 1321, Special Instructions for Bona Fide Residents Of Puerto Rico Who Must File A U.S. Individual Income Tax Return (Form 1040 or Form 1040-SR)
If you are a bona fide resident of Puerto Rico who will file a U.S. Federal Income Tax Return, Form 1040, and claim an exclusion for income earned in Puerto Rico, you will have to make certain adjustments on your return. Publication 1321, Special Instructions for Bona Fide Residents Of Puerto Rico Who Must File A U.S. Individual Income Tax Return (Form 1040 or 1040-SR), explains the adjustments, and how to make them on your return.
Forms and Instructions
Form 1040-SS (sp), U.S. Self-Employment Tax Return (Including the Additional Child Tax Credit for Bona Fide Residents of Puerto Rico) (Spanish Version)
Form 1040-SS (sp), U.S. Self-Employment Tax Return (Including the Refundable Child Tax Credit for Bona Fide Residents of Puerto Rico) (Spanish Version), is for residents of the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI), Guam, American Samoa, the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands (CNMI), and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (Puerto Rico) who are not required to file a U.S. income tax return but who have self-employment income or are eligible to claim certain credits.
Forms and Instructions
Tax Table, Tax Computation Worksheet, and EIC Table
Tax Tables are an extract from the Form 1040 Instructions, and are provided for taxpayers to make it easier to determine the taxes they owe.
Forms and Instructions
Publication 1321 (sp), Special Instructions for Bona Fide Residents Of Puerto Rico Who Must File A U.S. Individual Income Tax Return (Form 1040 or Form 1040-SR) (Spanish Version)
If you are a bona fide resident of Puerto Rico who will file a U.S. Federal Income Tax Return, Form 1040, and claim an exclusion for income earned in Puerto Rico, you will have to make certain adjustments on your return. Publication 1321 (sp), Special Instructions for Bona Fide Residents Of Puerto Rico Who Must File A U.S. Individual Income Tax Return (Form 1040 or Form 1040-SR) (Spanish Version), explains the adjustments, and how to make them on your return.
Forms and Instructions
Form 15103 (SP), Form 1040 Return Delinquency (Spanish Version)
Use Form 15103 (SP) to explain a Form 1040 return delinquency.
Forms and Instructions
Instructions for Schedule J, Income Averaging for Individuals With Income from Farming or Fishing
Form 1040 (Schedule J), Income Averaging for Farmers and Fishermen, is used to elect to figure your income tax by averaging, over the previous 3 years (base years), all or part of your taxable income from your trade or business of farming or fishing.
Forms and Instructions
Form 11652, Questionnaire -- Form 1040 Schedule C (Profit or Loss From Business)
Form 11652, Questionnaire -- Form 1040 Schedule C (Profit or Loss From Business), lists the types of records you need to send us to prove your Schedule C income and expenses. The law requires you to keep adequate records to complete your Schedule C.
Forms and Instructions
Note: You will need an IRS Online Account (OLA) to complete online forms that require signatures.
Form 15503, Supporting Documentation Required for Certain Business Expenses Claimed on Form 1040, Schedule 1
Form 15503, Supporting Documentation Required for Certain Business Expenses Claimed on Form 1040, Schedule 1, collects information to verify income adjustments claimed on your Form 1040, U.S. Individual Income Tax Return, Schedule 1, Additional Income and Adjustments to Income.
Forms and Instructions
Understanding your CP51B notice
We computed the tax on your Form 1040, 1040A or 1040EZ. You owe taxes.
General Information