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Understanding your CP504 notice
You received this notice because we haven't received payment of your unpaid balance. This notice is your Notice of Intent to Levy (Internal Revenue Code section 6331 (d)). If you don't pay the amount due immediately, the IRS can levy your income and bank accounts, as well as seize your property or your right to property including your state income tax refund to pay the amount you owe.
General Information
Understanding your CP504B notice
If you received an IRS CP504B Notice, you have an unpaid amount due on your account. Pay the amount immediately to avoid further collection actions such as seizing your property.
General Information
Understanding your CP504J notice
CP504J notifies you of an unpaid amount due on your account.
General Information
People First Initiative FAQs: Liens, Levies and Other Collection Activities
People First Initiative FAQs: Liens, Levies and Other Collection Activities
General Information
Collection due process (CDP) FAQs
FAQs related to the Collection Due Process (CDP)
General Information
IRS continues work to help taxpayers; suspends mailing of additional letters
IR-2022-31, February 9, 2022 — As part of ongoing efforts to provide additional help for people during this period, the IRS announced today the suspension of more than a dozen additional letters, including the mailing of automated collection notices normally issued when a taxpayer owes additional tax, and the IRS has no record of a taxpayer filing a tax return.
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Get free tax help from the IRS. File your taxes, get help preparing your return, help yourself with our online tools, find your local office – or call us. We’re here to help.
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Failure to Deposit Penalty
Calculate, pay or remove the Failure to Deposit Penalty when you don’t pay employment taxes accurately or on time.
General Information