Additional resources | Internal Revenue Service

IRS resources

Requesting Copies of Plan Documents
How to request copies of documents in determination letter application files

Tax Topic Index
These Tax Topics contain general individual and business tax information.

Publication 4190 PDF
Tax Guide for the Retiree

Retirement Plans Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
General information about subjects of interest to participants in retirement plans.

Participant Events - What Participants Should Receive
Explanation of participant events, which notices participants should receive based on these participant events and when these notices should be issued.

Plan Events - What Participants Should Receive
Explanation of plan events, which notices participants should receive based on these plan events and when these notices should be issued.

Retirement Savings Tips for Individuals
Basic articles about planning for retirement and understanding your employer’s retirement plan.

How to Take Responsibility for Your Retirement
Helping you help yourself.

Are You Self-Employed?
Retirement information for plan sponsors and employers.

What is the Employee Plans Office and What Does it Do?
An overview of the office of Employee Plans (EP) under the Tax Exempt & Government Entities (TE/GE) operating division of the Internal Revenue Service.

Contact Us
Call, write or email us with questions on retirement plan issues.

Taxpayer Rights
A summary of your rights as a taxpayer and the IRS' obligation to protect them.

Forms and Publications
A variety of forms, publications and products relating to retirement plans.

IRAs - Individual retirement accounts or arrangements

Roth IRAs

403(b) tax-sheltered annuities

Retirement income and distributions

Other forms

Department of Labor resources

Retirement Information from the Department of Labor’s Employee Benefits Security Administration Consumer Information on Retirement Plans

Other resources

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