Employee Plans Customer Account Services | Internal Revenue Service

Employee Plans Customer Account Services


Our webpages offer many answers to basic questions. 

Call or write

877-829-5500 (toll-free number)

Internal Revenue Service
Attn: EP Customer Service Manager
P.O. Box 2508
Cincinnati, OH 45201

Our Customer Account Services group can help with:

  • Account-specific questions
  • Basic information about EP forms (Forms 5300, 5330, 5307, 5310, 5500-EZ, 5558, 8955-SSA)
  • Status of pending applications
  • We regret that we cannot answer technical or legal questions regarding retirement plans.

Email: tege.outreach@irs.gov

We welcome your comments about our programs and our website, but we regret that we cannot respond to your email.

Resources for other issues

Form 5500, 5500-SF - Filed through EFAST 2

How to request a copy of or a corrected letter

  • copies of EP Determination Letters or case files, or
  • a corrected Determination Letter

Employee Plans Compliance Resolution System (EPCRS)


VCP submission status questions only.

You will need to provide the submission's nine-digit control number, beginning with “911” stamped on the submission acknowledgment letter, or, if an acknowledgment letter has not been received, the sponsor’s EIN and the plan number.


Taxability of distributions

401(a) governmental plans and 403(b) plans for state & local governments and tax-exempt organizations

IRS Office of Chief Counsel - TEGE


457 plans for state & local governments and tax-exempt organizations

IRS Office of Chief Counsel - Executive Compensation
