Tax Time Guide 2022 | Internal Revenue Service

IR-2022-63, March 22, 2022 ― The IRS today reminded taxpayers who have a tax bill that there are several ways to make payments, and there are options for many people who can't pay their tax bill in full by April tax deadline.

IR-2022-60, March 16, 2022 — The IRS today urged people to stay resolute against ongoing scams and schemes by properly securing computers, tablets and phones.

IR-2022-52, March 8, 2022 — The Internal Revenue Service reminds taxpayers they may be able to claim a deduction on their 2021 tax return for contributions to their Individual Retirement Arrangement (IRA) made through April 18, 2022.

IR-2022-45, March 1, 2022 — The IRS reminds taxpayers of their reporting and potential tax obligations from working in the gig economy, making virtual currency transactions, earning foreign-source income or holding certain foreign assets.

IR-2022-43, February 24, 2022 — The Internal Revenue Service reminds taxpayers today that the fastest and easiest way to check on tax refunds is by using the Where's My Refund? tool on or through the IRS2Go mobile app.

IR-2022-35, February 16, 2022 — With phone volumes continuing at historic levels, the Internal Revenue Service reminds taxpayers, should be the first stop for taxpayers seeking information and help with their federal taxes.

IR-2022-29, February 8, 2022 — The Internal Revenue Service today urged Americans to file a 2021 federal income tax return so they can take advantage of key tax benefits included in the American Rescue Plan and other recent legislation.

IR-2022-23, February 1, 2022 — Now that the 2022 tax season is open, the Internal Revenue Service reminds taxpayers to make sure they’ve got what they need before they file and to consider free resources available to help them get organized.