If you need to repay incorrectly claimed Employee Retention Credits, IRS webinar has important details before March 22 deadline


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March 8, 2024

If you incorrectly claimed the Employee Retention Tax Credit, watch this ERC Voluntary Disclosure Program webinar to find out how to repay the credit at a discount without penalties and interest. The 75-minute webinar focuses on:

  • Who can participate and how to apply for the ERC Voluntary Disclosure Program.
  • Advantages of the program and what happens after applying.
  • Alternatives to the ERC Voluntary Disclosure Program.
  • Resources and updates.

You can apply for ERC Voluntary Disclosure Program through March 22, 2024, to repay the ERC for any tax period you believe you’re not entitled to. If you have a pending ERC claim that you’d like the IRS not to process, review the claim withdrawal process.