Eight Important Facts about the Health Coverage Tax Credit


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IRS Tax Tip 2010-54


The Health Coverage Tax Credit pays 80 percent of health insurance premiums for eligible taxpayers and their qualified family members. However, many people who could be receiving this valuable credit don’t know about it, and are missing out on big savings that can help them and their families keep their health insurance.

Here are the top eight things the IRS wants you to know about the HCTC:

  1. The HCTC pays 80 percent of an eligible taxpayer’s health insurance premiums.
  2. The HCTC is a refundable credit, which means it not only reduces a taxpayer’s tax liability but also may result in cash back in his or her pocket at the end of the year.
  3. Taxpayers can receive the HCTC monthly—when their health plan premiums are due—or as a yearly tax credit.
  4. Nationwide, thousands of people are eligible for the HCTC.
  5. You may be eligible for the HCTC if you receive Trade Readjustment Allowances—or unemployment insurance in lieu of TRA—through one of the Trade Adjustment Assistance programs.
  6. You also may be eligible for the HCTC if you are a Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation payee and are 55 years old or older.
  7. The most common types of health plans that qualify for the HCTC include COBRA, state-qualified health plans, and spousal coverage. In some cases, non-group/individual plans and health plans associated with Voluntary Employee Benefit Associations established in lieu of COBRA plans also qualify.
  8. HCTC candidates receive the HCTC Program Kit by mail. The Kit explains the tax credit and provides a simple checklist to determine eligibility. Also included in the Kit is the HCTC Registration Form.

For more information on the HCTC and how it may benefit you, call the HCTC Customer Contact Center toll free at 1-866-628-HCTC (4282). If you have a hearing impairment, please call 1-866-626-4282 (TTY). You also can visit the HCTC online at www.IRS.gov/hctc.



The Health Coverage Tax Credit (HCTC) Program

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