Fact sheets issued by the IRS regarding coronavirus (COVID-19) tax relief and Economic Impact Payments for quick reference by the media and tax professionals.
- FS-2021-11, Take charge of your Child Tax Credit payments: How to use the IRS update portal to sign up for direct deposit, change accounts or stop all payments
- FS-2021-10, Child Tax Credit: Most eligible families will automatically receive monthly payments. For everyone else, here are three steps to get help
- FS-2021-09, Under the American Rescue Plan, employers are entitled to tax credits for providing paid leave to employees who take time off related to COVID-19 vaccinations
- FS-2021-06, IRS information letters about Economic Impact Payments and the Recovery Rebate Credit
- FS-2021-05, Updated details about the third round of Economic Impact Payments
- FS-2021-04, More details about the third round of Economic Impact Payments
- FS-2021-02, Be tax ready: Understand how life changes may affect the 2020 tax return filed this year