2013 Individual Income Tax Returns Complete Report (Publication 1304) Now Available


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IR-2015-104, Aug. 26, 2015

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today announced the availability of Statistics of Income–2013 Individual Income Tax Returns Complete Report (Publication 1304). U.S. taxpayers filed almost 147.4 million individual income tax returns for tax year 2013, up 1.7 percent from 2012. The adjusted gross income less deficit reported on these returns fell $6.5 billion, which is a 0.1-percent decrease from the prior year.

The report is based on a sample drawn from the 147.4 million individual income tax returns filed for tax year 2013 and provides estimates on sources of income, adjusted gross income, exemptions, deductions, taxable income, income tax, modified income tax, tax credits, self-employment tax and tax payments.

Classifications include tax status, size of adjusted gross income, marital status, age and type of tax computation. A brief text reviews the requirements for filing tax returns, explains the changes in tax law and describes the sample used to produce the report. Publication 1304 is currently available for download at irs.gov/taxstats.

For more information about these data, please write to the Director, Statistics of Income Division, RAS:S, Internal Revenue Service, 1111 Constitution Avenue, K-Room 4122, Washington, DC 20224.

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