The IRS Income Verification Express Service (IVES) lets you authorize lenders, including banks, credit unions, and others to access your tax records when you apply for a mortgage or loan.

IVES only provides transcripts of your tax return or wage transcripts to third parties with your consent.

On this page

How it works

Your lender sends a request to access your tax return transcript through an IRS online account or fax, with Form 4506-C, IVES Request for Transcript of Tax Return PDF.

Review a request

Review your request in your IRS online account or on Form 4506-C. Make sure all information on the request is accurate. Carefully review:

  • Taxpayer information. Verify your taxpayer identification number, your current address, previous address, and name.
  • IVES participant contact. Check the third party that will receive your tax transcript from the IRS. 
  • Client contact. Check the financial lender that will receive your tax transcript from the IVES participant. These may be the same company.
  • Transcripts requested. Find a detailed description of each transcript type on page 2 of Form 4506-C, IVES Request for Transcript of Tax Return PDF.
  • Tax years requested. Verify the tax years your lender is asking for.

After you review the request, you can approve or reject it. The IRS will only send your tax records to the lender if you approve the request.

Approve or reject a request

To approve a request for the IRS to send your tax return transcript to the listed IVES participant, provide your electronic signature or physical signature. How you sign depends on how you received the request.

To reject a request for the IRS to send your tax return transcript to the listed IVES participant, select "Reject request" in your online account or don't sign Form 4506-C.

Print and keep a copy of your request for your records.


Income Verification Express Service

Income Verification Express Service for participants