Income Verification Express Service (IVES) | Internal Revenue Service

The IRS Income Verification Express Service (IVES) lets you authorize banks and lenders to access your tax records when you apply for a mortgage, loan, or other service.

The IRS only provides tax records to a third party with the consent of the taxpayer.

Income verification for taxpayers

You can authorize a lender to request your tax transcript through your account, or through your lender with Form 4506-C, IVES Request for Transcript of Tax Return. Find out how to review a request, authorize a request, or reject a request here.

IVES for individual and business taxpayers

Income verification for participants

If you're a mortgage lending company, including banks, credit unions, or others, you can participate in IVES by completing the application process. Submit transcript requests online or by fax with Form 4506-C, IVES Request for Transcript of Tax Return.

IVES for participants


Form 4506-C, IVES Request for Transcript of Tax Return PDF

Use Form 4606-C, IVES Request for Transcript of Tax Return, to request tax return information through an authorized IVES participant.


IRS Statement suspending the IVES policy change

IVES frequently asked questions

Get your tax record

IRS information sharing programs