Political Organization Filing and Disclosure | Internal Revenue Service

Welcome to the Political Organization Filing and Disclosure Website. On this site, you can electronically file, as well as search for and view submitted forms (both paper and electronic filings):

  • Form 8871, Political Organization Notice of Section 527 Status
  • Form 8872, Political Organization Report of Contributions and Expenditures

File a form

  • Get ready - See Contents of Initial Notice for a list of information you need to file Form 8871. If you are filing an initial notice, you should gather this information before you start the filing process.
  • The IRS reminds exempt organizations not to include Social Security numbers or other unneeded personal information on filings.
  • The schemas for XML files that may be uploaded to electronically file Form 8871 and Form 8872 have been updated. Please see the XML schema page for more information and to download the new schemas.

Log in to political organization filing center

File Form 8871 and Form 8872 with the IRS, as required under IRC Section 527.

We are asking users to change their current password out of an abundance of caution and to ensure the protection of your information.

To change your password, follow the instructions for a Forgotten or Lost Password.

Search for submitted forms

The links above connect to the online database of public filings by Section 527 political organizations. It contains all electronic filings made by 527 organizations. Paper filings go back to January 2012.

Foreign addresses

The Form 8872 online filing program does not allow organizations to enter foreign addresses for contributions and expenditures. As a temporary measure, organizations may enter the foreign address as follows:

Enter in Address Line 1: the street address
Enter in Address Line 2: the city, state/province and postal code
Enter in City: the country
Enter in State: DC
Enter in ZIP Code: 20000

When searching the database, the state/ZIP Code combination of "DC" and "20000" will indicate that the address is a foreign address.

Additional information

  • Users Guides
    Information to help users navigate the filing and searching process.
  • Federal Election Commission (FEC)
    Visit this site to learn information about political organizations required to file with the FEC. You may also want to contact the appropriate state election authority for information about political organizations required to file with state election authorities.
  • EO Customer Account Services
    Contact us for help with technical and procedural questions concerning political organizations, information about requesting a new username and password, or if you find discrepancies in the information posted for your organization.
  • Political Organization Filing and Disclosure
    A comprehensive list of datasets and relevant updates.