In both the basic and advanced search, the more information provided in the search query will produce more refined results, because searches on the Political Organization Disclosure site are AND queries. This means that there is an implied AND between each term entered. For example, when conducting an advanced search for an organization with an officer named John Smith, you will return more refined results if you type John Smith, rather than only John or Smith. Conversely, using the previous search example, if you are uncertain of the officer's first name, entering only Smith will return all names containing Smith, thus allowing you to scan the results to find the target organization.

None of the search fields on the Political Organization Disclosure site are case sensitive. All words are understood as lower case (not capitalized) during searching. Therefore, searching with the phrases JOHN SMITH, John Smith, or john smith will all produce the same results. All of these searches will return records containing John Smith regardless of the case in which the record exists on the site.