Get a business tax transcript | Internal Revenue Service

There are 3 ways to get a business tax transcript:

Find how to get your personal tax transcript.

What a transcript shows

A transcript isn't a photocopy of your return. To get a copy of your original return, submit Form 4506, Request for Copy of Tax Return. The processing time and fee are listed on the form.

For your protection, most transcripts hide personally identifiable information like taxpayer identification numbers.  The only exception is business entity transcripts.

Lenders and other third parties sometimes assign a customer file number to identify your transcript. If a customer file number was provided to us, it will appear on your business transcript. Find more on what transcripts show.

When you can request a business transcript

If you file your return electronically, allow 2-3 weeks after filing before you request a transcript.

If you file on paper, allow 6-8 weeks after you mail your return.

If you recently filed a return but your transcript says “No record of return filed,” it may mean we haven’t processed the return yet.

Business transcript types

We offer these transcripts to businesses at no cost:

Tax return transcript

Shows most line items from your original tax return as filed. Doesn’t show documents or statements attached to the original return.

Shows original return information, original federal tax liability record, adjusted items from the latest amended return and employment and unemployment tax information filed with us.

Not all fields are updated when an amended return is processed. If no amended return is filed, the original column and amended column show figures from the original return.

We use the FUTA Certification Program PDF to check if state payments reported on Form 940 went to the appropriate state unemployment fund. We compare employment tax information on Forms 941, 943 and 944 with Form W-2 data submitted to the Social Security Administration. See Combined Annual Wage Reporting employment tax problem inquiries.

Available for tax years 2023 and later:

Available in Spanish in your business tax account only.

Tax account transcript

Shows changes to your account like refunds, federal tax deposits, payments, penalties and interest, balance due with accruals, return filing date and return processed date.

Record of account transcript

Combines tax return and tax account transcripts into one transcript.

Entity transcript

Verifies information in IRS records such as employer identification number (EIN), filing requirements and if the business is a single-member or multiple-member limited liability company (LLC). For tax exempt entities, it shows exempt status and group exemption information. Modified (brief) or full versions available.

The only personally identifiable information hidden on the entity transcript is a sole proprietor’s taxpayer identification number (TIN) and the parent entity’s employer identification number (EIN). See information shown on tax transcripts.

Available in Spanish in your business tax account only.

Shows employer identification number (EIN), current name, address and name control (first four letters of the business name) for electronic filing.

Eligible business owners can get it through their business tax account or IRS business line.

Third parties with authorization for tax matters on file, like reporting agents with Form 8655, Reporting Agent Authorization, can get it through the Transcript Delivery System or Practitioner Priority Service Line.

Shows employer identification number (EIN), business name, address (including location address), name control (first four letters of the business name) for electronic filing, IRS establishment date and business filing requirements. A blank field indicates no information on file.

Eligible business owners can get it through their business tax account or IRS business line.

Third parties with authorization to receive entity information can get it through the Practitioner Priority Service Line by submitting Form 2848 or Form 8821. On line 3, enter “Business entity transcript” or “Entity information.”

If your transcript is incorrect

If any business transcript information seems incorrect, call 800-829-4933 Monday-Friday, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. your local time. For business entity transcripts, write to the IRS address where you filed your return.

For other transcripts, we may have changed reported figures on the original return you filed due to incorrect or missing information. If you recently filed an amended return, we may still be processing it.
