The Global IT Forum sessions provide updates on major International Data Exchange Service (IDES) developments and opportunities to discuss technical questions with host country tax authorities (HCTAs), financial institutions, and related industry organizations. Please note the forums are only for technical questions related to IDES. Legal questions related to Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA)-related questions will not be addressed.
How to attend
Global IT forum sessions are held monthly and additional details about upcoming Global IT Forum sessions will be emailed to all registered attendees. If you would like to receive this information or submit a question for the forum, email LB&I FATCA IDES. Please use the subject line: “Question for Global IT Forum Q&A Session” and include the name, email address, and organization of each participant.
You can also submit technical questions by emailing LB&I FATCA IDES. IRS IT staff will review questions submitted by HCTAs and provide written responses. IRS will continue to analyze technical questions submitted by other entities for possible inclusion in the FATCA IDES FAQs. If you need immediate assistance, contact the IDES Help Desk.