If you received a 2020 Form 1040-ES(NR) before March 12, 2020, please note a correction, below, to the Tax Rate Schedule Z on page 5. Schedule Z—Use if your 2020 filing status is Qualifying Widow or Widower If line 3 is: Over— But not over— The tax is: of the amount over— $0 $19,750 ----------- + 10% $0 19,750 80,250 $1,975.00 + 12% 19,750 80,250 171,050 9,235.00 + 22% 80,250 171,050 326,600 29,211.00 + 24% 171,050 326,600 414,700 66,543.00 + 32% 326,600 414,700 622,050 94,735.00 + 35% 414,700 622,050 ----------- 167,307.50 + 37% 622,050 A corrected version of the 2020 Form 1040 ES (NR) PDF is available for download.