Safeguards Program office hours calls | Internal Revenue Service

Safeguards Program office hours calls


Office hours are hosted by the Office of Safeguards as an opportunity for agencies to gain insight or additional support regarding specific topics relevant to the safeguarding process. Office hours serve as a forum for agencies to ask questions and interact with subject matter experts. 

Remote assessments PDF 

Topics covered include scheduling and remote selection considerations, physical and IT assessments and out of cycle reviews.

Office hours calls (Topic: Remote assessments) PDF

The Office of Safeguards successfully hosted its office hours calls sessions and presented the topic of remote assessments on July 7, 2020 and July 9, 2020.

Nessus compliance scanning

Topics covered include an overview of Nessus, how to prepare for and participate in an on-site review, as well as post-review activities.

IT scoping and electronic data flow

Topics include an overview of the safeguards review, IT pre-review activities, IT scoping, Safeguards security reports, and more.

Cloud computing with federal tax information (FTI)

Topics include an overview of cloud computing, requirements that agencies must comply with, and how to prepare for an on-site review.

Guidance on live data and cloud computing requests and 45-day notifications

Topics include cloud computing: receiving, processing, storing, or transmitting fti in a cloud environment; live data testing; use of live FTI in a testing environment; and the 45-day notification process.

Risk management

Topics include an overview of the risk model used to score agencies on their risk posture, current risk treatment streams, and the current program health score.

Hybrid reviews

Topics include the steps for conducting reviews using the hybrid approach (combination of on-site reviews and remove assessments), including pre-review activities, review team assignments, data center/shared site reviews, and review closings.

Taxpayer First Act (TFA) Section 2004

Topics include a background of the Taxpayer First Act (TFA) requirements for Section 2004, contract and worksheet examples, and safeguard security updates, as well as questions and answers regarding TFA 2004.

Top technical inquiries (TI)

Includes the top three technical inquiries (TI) identified and their frequencies.

Agency selected topics

Topics include external Safeguards training, internal inspections, hybrid review process, telework, cloud usage, updated Safeguards security reports, and more.

Implementation of Taxpayer First Act (TFA) Section 2004

Topics include the January 1, 2023, requirements for Section 2004 of the Taxpayer First Act (TFA) requirements as well as questions and answers regarding TFA 2004.