- 7.22.4 Modified EO-EP Determination System (MEDS) User Manual
- Program Scope and Objectives
- Background
- Authority
- Responsibilities
- Program Controls
- Common Abbreviations
- System Support
- User Community
- Case Establishment
- Log on
- Creating MEDS Desktop Shortcut
- Improving System Performance
- Preparing the Computer
- SBU Data Folder
- Obtaining a Print Screen
- Business Rules Overview
- How Business Rules Work
- Business Rules Results
- Roles and Delegations
- Roles
- Permissions
- General User Roles and Permissions
- Researcher
- Group Tax Examiner
- Processing Clerk
- Unpostable Clerk
- User Fee Adjuster
- Case Assigner
- Specialist
- Managerial Roles and Permissions
- Group Manager
- Area Managers
- Executive Management
- National Unassigned Inventory (NUI) Manager
- Functional Security Manager (FSM)
- System Support
- Records Manager
- Role Delegation
- Delegating a Role
- Delegate Notification
- Revoking a Role Delegation
- Case Identification and Status Codes
- MEDS Case Number
- EDS Case Number
- EDS Case History Record
- Purpose of Status Codes
- MEDS Status Codes
- Grouping Status Codes
- MEDS Sub-Status Codes
- System Event Codes
- MEDS Case Number
- Navigation Overview
- Document Repository
- Screen Selection Options
- Cabinets
- Universal Cabinets
- Personal Cabinets
- Inbox Cabinet
- My Cases Cabinet
- Reports Cabinet
- Recently Viewed Cabinet
- Saved Searches Cabinet
- Accessing a Case File
- Case Information File
- Viewing Documents in MEDS
- Display Screen Options
- Page Display
- Column Headers
- Adding Column Headers
- Removing Column Headers
- Re-Ordering Column Headers
- User Profile
- MEDS Roles
- Group Profile Screen
- Case Chronology Folder
- Creating a CCR Entry
- CCR Entry Fields
- Editing a CCR Entry
- Printing a CCR Report
- Creating a CCR Entry
- Modifying Data
- Changing Basic Entity Data
- Changing Disclosable Indicator
- Accessing Case Information File
- Properties Information Screen
- General Case Information Tab
- Editing Case Categories
- Receipt and Handling Tab
- Entity Data Tab
- Contacts Tab
- EO Closing Data Tab
- Case Indicators
- Query and Search Capabilities
- Query Options
- Simple Search Query
- Advanced Search Query
- Select Object Type
- Properties
- Adding a Search Property
- Removing a Search Property
- Searching by Date
- Searching by Size
- Search Results and Editing Search Criteria
- Count Results
- Editing a Search
- Saving a Search
- Finding a Saved Search
- Running a Saved Search Query
- Exporting Search Results
- Query Options
- Importing, Moving, Editing, and Copying Documents
- Importing a Document
- Moving a Document
- Editing a Document
- Copying a Document
- Document Splitting/Modifying
- Splitting/Modification Procedure
- Viewing MEDS Documents Using Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
- Using Optical Character Recognition
- Document Image Icons
- Document Repository
- Electronic Case Processing
- Case Assignment
- Case Assignment Capabilities
- Case Assignment Process
- QA Case Assignment Process
- Group Inventory
- Reassigning, Changing the Status, or Transferring Cases
- Reassigning, Changing the Status, or Transferring Cases in QA
- MEDS Case Closing for Specialists and Tax Examiners
- Specialist and Tax Examiner Case Closing Procedures
- Cases with No Closing Letter
- Cases with a Closing Letter - Not Mandatory Review
- Cases with a Closing Letter - Mandatory Review
- Updating Case Information File
- Updating Case(s) for Manager Review
- Indicators that Prevent Closing in MEDS
- Specialist and Tax Examiner Case Closing Procedures
- Quality Assurance Case Closing Procedures for PDF Letters
- Quality Assurance Case Closing Procedures for Word Letters or No Letters
- Group Tax Examiner Case Closing Procedures
- Managerial Case Review and Status Updates
- Managerial Status Codes Options
- Sending a case to Quality Assurance
- Supersedes Letters
- Case Assignment
- Program Scope and Objectives
Part 7. Rulings and Agreements
Chapter 22. Exempt Organizations Determination Letter Automation Systems
Section 4. Modified EO-EP Determination System (MEDS) User Manual
7.22.4 Modified EO-EP Determination System (MEDS) User Manual
Manual Transmittal
August 01, 2024
(1) This transmits revised IRM 7.22.4, Exempt Organizations Determination Letter Automation Systems, Modified EO-EP Determination System (MEDS) User Manual.
Material Changes
Section | Modification |
IRM, Program Scope and Objectives | Added Primary Stakeholders |
IRM, Background | Updated background to include electronic processing of Form 1024 and Form 8940 |
IRM, Common Abbreviations | Added common abbreviations |
IRM, System Support | Modified system support procedures |
IRM, User Community | Updated to reflect current procedures for requesting MEDS access |
IRM, Case Establishment | Added 1024 and 8940 to the applications submitted through Pay.gov |
IRM, Log on | Modified MEDS log on instructions |
IRM, Obtaining a Print Screen | Modified procedures for requesting technical assistance |
IRM, Group Tax Examiner | Updated to reflect correct title as tax examiner |
IRM, Splitting/Modification Procedure | Updated procedures for submitting a ticket |
IRM with a Closing Letter - Not Mandatory Review | SmartID number will be used on closing letters instead of the EDS T-Number |
(2) Editorial changes throughout: corrected references; updated links and terms; and revised to conform with plain language standards.
Effect on Other Documents
This IRM supersedes IRM 7.22.4 dated August 12, 2021.Audience
Tax Exempt and Government EntitiesExempt Organizations
Effective Date
(08-01-2024)Stephen A. Martin
Director, Exempt Organizations, Rulings and Agreements
Tax Exempt and Government Entities
Purpose: This IRM provides instructions on accessing, navigating, and processing exempt organization determination requests in the Modified EO-EP Determination System (MEDS).
Audience: The procedures in this manual apply to Exempt Organization (EO) employees processing determination requests.
Policy Owner: Director, Exempt Organizations, Rulings and Agreements.
Program Owner: Exempt Organizations.
Primary Stakeholders: Exempt Organizations, Rulings and Agreements, Determinations.
EO includes two primary operational areas: Rulings and Agreements and Examinations.
EO Rulings and Agreements (R&A) is responsible for issuing determination letters on exempt status, private foundation classification, and other determinations related to exempt organizations. EO R&A processes determination letters on applications for recognition of tax-exempt status under IRC 501 and IRC 521 and certain other requests. EO Determinations, one component of EO R&A, issues determination letters on exempt organization matters (see Rev. Proc. 2024-5, updated annually).
MEDS is a web-based information system for Tax Exempt and Government Entities (TE/GE) determination case processing and inventory management. MEDS:
Stores images of determination applications, associated data, and subsequent related documentation in an electronic records repository.
Allows real time access to inventory data.
Interfaces with legacy systems including Letter and Information Network User-fee System (LINUS) and Employee Plans-Exempt Organizations Determination System (EDS)
Organizations submit Form 1023, Form 1023-EZ, Form 1024-A, Form 1024, and Form 8940 electronically through Pay.gov. Electronically submitted user fees and forms are transmitted into LINUS and MEDS.
Organizations submit other hard copy applications for tax-exempt status and other miscellaneous determinations ( Form 1028 and other letter applications) to the Cincinnati Accounts Management Campus Support (Campus Support). Campus Support:
Processes user fee payments in LINUS and scans the hard copy applications/requests into MEDS.
Sends open hard copy case files to an IRS facility in Ogden, UT.
MEDS transmits the information to EDS.
Cases are generally processed electronically in MEDS.
MEDS was formerly known as Tax Exempt Determination System (TEDS). MEDS is still referred to as TEDS by some applications and Business Units. The terms MEDS and TEDS can be used interchangeably.
"Specialists" in this IRM refer to EO Determinations (EOD) specialists as well as tax examiners who process Form 1023-EZ applications.
Non-MEDS system updates (such as to Internet Explorer or Microsoft Windows) may affect processes and procedures in this IRM.
Rev. Proc. 2024-5, updated annually, sets forth procedures for issuing determination letters on issues under the jurisdiction of the Director, EO Rulings and Agreements. It explains the procedures for issuing determination letters on exempt status in response to applications for recognition of exemption from federal income tax under Section 501 or 521 (other than those subject to Rev. Proc. 2024-4, updated annually), private foundation classification, and other determinations related to exempt organizations. Rev. Proc. 2024-5 also provides guidance on the exhaustion of administrative remedies for purposes of declaratory judgement under IRC 7428 and guidance on applicable user fees for requesting determination letters.
EO R&A is responsible for issuing determination letters on exempt status, private foundation classification, and other determinations related to exempt organizations.
EO Determinations Quality Assurance (EODQA) reviews determination cases to ensure:
Technical accuracy,
Adherence to written procedures,
Uniform and impartial treatment of exempt organizations’ interest while protecting the government’s interest,
Uniform application of the statutes, tax treaties, regulations, court opinions, or guidance published in the Internal Revenue Bulletin, and
Identification of unfavorable case patterns, trends affecting processing quality, problem areas, unique issues, and new or novel techniques that EOD specialists develop.
See the table below for a list of commonly used acronyms/abbreviations and their definitions.
Abbreviation Name BCS Business Customer Support BRE Business Rules Engine BSP Business Systems Planning CCR Case chronology record CRX Correspondex EDS Employee Plans-Exempt Organizations Determination System EO Exempt Organizations EOD Exempt Organizations Determinations EODQA Exempt Organizations Determinations Quality Assurance FSU Functional Security Manager IRC Internal Revenue Code LINUS Letter and Information Network User-fee System MEDS Modified EO-EP Determination System, also known as TEDS NAI National Assigned Inventory NUI National Unassigned Inventory OCR Optical Character Recognition R&A Rulings and Agreements Rev. Proc. Revenue Procedure TEDS Tax Exempt Determination System, also known as MEDS TIFF Tagged Image File Format
The TE/GE Business Systems Planning (BSP) office manages MEDS. TE/GE BSP Business Customer Support (BCS) analysts help MEDS users via functional support and informational bulletins:
BCS issues electronic alerts and bulletins for updated program version releases, changes in MEDS processes or procedures, and other information.
Find MEDS bulletins, guides and information, and training materials on the Business Systems Planning page of TE/GE Connect.
Submit a help ticket to BCS for MEDS help by:
Calling the Enterprise Service Desk at 1-866-7HELP4U (1-866-743-5748) or
Visiting the IRS Service Central (IRWorks) site.
MEDS allows these users to electronically access case files:
Determinations specialists and tax examiners (including Quality Assurance reviewers)
Customer Account Services
Group managers
Area managers
EO R&A Director
Processing clerks
MEDS Business Customer Support (BCS, system administrators, field support, server support, and the system help desk)
Submit a Business Entitlement Access Request System (BEARS) request to acquire or modify access to MEDS:
Select application TEDS-DOCUMENTUM (TEDS).
When approved, you’ll receive an email from BEARS. Be sure to sign in to BEARS to accept the Terms & Conditions Form to complete the approval process.
A link to the MEDS home page is available on the BSP SharePoint site. To create a desktop shortcut, see IRM, Creating MEDS Desktop Shortcut.
Campus Support establishes determination letter request cases for applications not submitted through Pay.gov using procedures in IRM 3.45.1, Processing Employee Plans and Exempt Organizations Determination Applications and User Fees.
EO uses the LINUS system to record all user fee payments, refunds, and adjustments. From LINUS, a case is assigned a Document Locator Number (DLN). The DLN is the case identification number. Campus Support stamps all application packages with either a remit DLN or non-remit DLN, as appropriate. (See IRM, Document Locator Number (DLN).) LINUS transmits user fee and DLN information to MEDS.
Campus Support manually transcribes certain data fields from the application package and related forms (for example, organization name, address, Form 2848, Form 8718, etc.) in MEDS. See IRM 3.45.1, Processing Employee Plan and Exempt Organization Determination Applications and User Fees, for more information.
MEDS captures and stores electronic images in Tagged Image File Format (TIFF).
Both sides of each sheet of paper are scanned.
Blank pages are deleted after scanning.
Envelopes are never scanned.
Non-scannable items (for example, stapled pamphlets) are notated on an input sheet which is scanned into MEDS.
After Campus Support scans documents, they verify images and data as readable and correct. They re-scan application packages with unreadable images.
After Campus Support scans and verifies, MEDS:
Runs business rules to determine: classification, category, grade of case, user fee status, and whether to send an acknowledgement letter to a power of attorney. See IRM, Business Rules Overview.
Transmits case data automatically and manually to EDS and LINUS (status updates). Manual updates in EDS will generally block all further transmissions from MEDS.
Electronically stores case images and data in the MEDS Records Repository.
Automatically creates and updates the case chronology record (CCR) for entries such as case assignment, status updates, etc. Specialists also make CCR entries in their cases and can view all the entries. Except for certain designated roles, other users can only view the entries they themselves make.
Transmits case data (hard copy submissions only) to the Correspondence Letter System (CORRESPONDEX, CRX). From this data, CRX generates acknowledgement letters.
Campus Support reassembles all hard copy documents and places them in a case file with a printed label attached to the outside. Printed labels include:
Control date
Case grade
Organization name
Form number
MEDS case number
Type of request
Employer Identification Number (EIN)
Code section
Case classification (Merit/Non-merit)
Potential duplicate case number
Document Locator Number (DLN)
Non-scannable item (Y/N)
Campus Support ships the paper copies of application packages to an IRS facility in Ogden, UT for storage.
Pay.gov transmits Form 1023-EZ, Form 1023, Form 1024-A, Form 1024, and Form 8940 applications and user fee data to MEDS.
After Pay.gov validates the user fee payment, MEDS systematically creates a case.
MEDS runs a statistically valid random sampling program on all Form 1023-EZ cases to identify cases for pre-determination sample review.
MEDS automatically updates the identified Form 1023-EZ pre-determination sample review cases to Status 71.
You can access MEDS from the BSP SharePoint site.
You will automatically be logged into MEDS after it authenticates your account.
An easy way to access MEDS is to create a shortcut on the desktop.
Place the cursor on an empty space on the desktop and right click with the mouse.
Highlight New.
Highlight and click Shortcut. Clicking on Shortcut causes Create Shortcut wizard to appear on the screen.
On the shortcut wizard, enter the MEDS address (URL).
Click Next.
Create and enter a shortcut name.
Click Finish. The shortcut should now appear on the desktop.
Pages you view online are stored in a special folder for quick viewing at a later time. Periodically delete internet files stored on your computer to improve system response time.
To delete internet files:
Open your internet browser.
On the top toolbar, click on the three dots (Settings) on the top right-hand side.
From the "More tools" drop down menu, click "Internet Options."
On the "General" tab, "Browsing history," select "Delete."
Check the boxes of the items to delete (Temporary Internet files and website files/cookies and website data).
Deleting cookies (a file placed on a visitor’s hard drive that allows the website to monitor the individual’s use of the site) may affect other automatic recognition in internet programs. After cleaning the browser (deleting cookies), your computer will run better, but it may not remember sites not saved to Favorites.
Click Delete.
When finished, click "OK" at the bottom of the "Internet Properties" box.
When you receive access to MEDS or receive a new computer (or get yours reimaged):
Encrypt the MEDS Documentum folder. See IRM, Documentum.
Prepare the computer for viewing business rules. See IRM, Business Rules Results.
MEDS uses an encrypted SBU Data folder as a local document repository. When you open a document, SBU Data creates a folder on your computer. The system uses this folder as a temporary storage area for documents you’ve viewed on MEDS.
IRS security policies require sensitive information be protected at all times. You must encrypt sensitive information that is processed, stored, or transmitted by computer equipment (such as laptops and memory storage devices) outside of IRS facilities. Because the SBU Data folder is located on your C: drive, encrypt it for security purposes.
To access the SBU Data folder:
From the Desktop double left click on the This PC icon to access Windows Explorer.
In the left hand pane, click the expand arrow next to OSDisk (C:) (or similar).
Click the expand arrow next to the Users folder.
Click the user’s SEID.
Click the SBU Data folder.
To encrypt the SBU Data folder:
Right click the SBU Data folder.
Select Encrypt from the menu; a box will appear.
Select Apply changes to this folder, subfolders, and files.
Select OK.
The SBU Data folder and its contents display in green, indicating the contents are encrypted. Generally, you only need to encrypt the file once unless you receive a new computer or hard drive.
In MEDS, you can’t use traditional copy and paste options to capture information displayed on the screen. You must create a screen print to capture information. Obtaining a screen print varies based on your type of computer.
Options to create a screen print:
Click on the Print Screen (Prt Sc/Print Scrn) key.
Click and hold the Function (Fn) key with the Print Screen key.
Click and hold the Control (Ctrl) key with the Print Screen key.
Click and hold the Alternate (Alt) key with the Print Screen key.
Click and hold Ctrl/Fn/Prt Sc.
Click and hold Alt/Fn/Prt Sc.
Open a blank Word document (or other program to copy the image, for example, Outlook email message).
Right click in the Word document or other program.
Click Paste.
Save or email the information as desired.
MEDS uses the Business Rules Engine (BRE), a managerial software program, to program information from the application package into an electronic format. Application information is translated into if-then statements which are uploaded into the BRE. This automates operational business decisions.
Campus Support manually inputs certain data from the application (for example, questions on the application may be answered yes or no or a business rule may also be stated in such a way that the result may be true or false).
There are two categories of business rules:
Opening business rules
Closing business rules
After Campus Support scans an application and establishes a case or after a case is transmitted from Pay.gov, the system runs business rules and assigns values for:
Case completeness (determines if the application package is complete)
Case complexity (evaluates the data from the application form)
Case category (determines the case type, for example, 4945(g) or unusual grant)
Case grade (determines the grade of the case based on answers to the application form questions)
User fee validation (verifies whether the fee paid is correct based on the amount received and the blocks checked on the form)
Case classification (considers the outcome of all the opening business rules and classifies the case as bypassing the initial review or not)
Some business rules results record case data:
The case data is in the Case Information file on the General Case Information and Receipt and Handling tabs.
Other business rules results are stored within the BRE Results folder.
You can’t edit opening business rules results. However, you can correct some information set by the business rules (such as case grade and case category) once the case is assigned.
EO uses business rules to:
Identify issues that specialists may need to develop in the determination process.
Determine why a case was classified in a particular way.
Business rule results may be stated in the following format:
Answer from Business Rule Result Yes 1 No 0 True T False F Correct C -
View business rules results as:
Summary Messages
BRE Response
Access the case folder BRE Results to view the Summary Message screen which displays the results for each business rule set on the case.
MEDS has roles and permissions which are security features in the system. They’re based on the user’s position and operational processing needs. Your MEDS user role determines the actions you can perform and information you can:
MEDS also contains a role delegation feature that allows a group manager (or higher) to delegate one or more of his/her user roles to his/her group members or to another manager.
The information in the following sections provides guidance on how to identify MEDS user roles and permissions. It also explains how to delegate and revoke user roles.
MEDS roles are grouped into two major categories based on related tasks and responsibilities:
The General user roles are used primarily by employees who process the determination work:
Researcher I, II, III
Group Tax Examiner
Processing Clerk
Unpostable Clerk
User Fee Adjuster
Case Assigner
Managerial user roles manage the determination process and MEDS:
Group Manager
Area Manager
Executive Manager
National Unassigned Inventory (NUI) Manager
Functional Security Manager (FSM)
System Support
Records Manager
Permissions allow a user to perform the necessary tasks for his/her role. Permissions vary based on the user’s role and the specific repository item or action (for example, access to non-disclosable information or case assignment ability). See the table below for the types of permissions available in MEDS.
Permission type Definition Explanation R Read User can read data but cannot make any changes to it A Add/Create New data is Added/Created into the system (for example, documents) U Update Change data P Purge Move items that are proposed for deletion into "Purge" folders in the system D Delete Remove data from system
MEDS users who process various stages of the determination work have access privileges corresponding to their type of work.
Researcher roles provide access to MEDS for information purposes only. Users with Researcher roles can read information but can’t make any change in the information.
Role Access Description Researcher I Read only access to case data on all cases, disclosable and non-disclosable documents on closed cases, and Forms 2848, Power of Attorney and Declaration of Representative, and Form 8821, Tax Information Authorization, documents on open cases Researcher II Read only access to case data on all cases and documents on open or closed cases Researcher III Read only access to case data on all cases, reports, and documents on open or closed cases
The group tax examiner role has limited access to:
Read all documents
The group queue to print folder
Managers may delegate their assigned permissions to their employees with the group tax examiner role.
The Processing Clerk role can:
Read access permission
Update incorrect document types
Establish a case
Re-establish a case
Put a case in closing sub-status of administrative re-open
Update a case
The User Fee Adjuster role has permissions to update the following data information:
Payment status
Dishonored checks
User fee indicators
The User Fee Adjuster role may read and add documents to the disclosable folder, add CCR entries, and has read access to non-disclosable documents for open and closed cases.
The Case Assigner role is considered an add on role. It:
Is specifically requested.
May assign cases.
Has read access to case inventory.
Must be added to assign cases to specialists not in your group.
Manager roles and permissions manage the determination process and MEDS. Managerial roles except FSM and Records Manager may be delegated.
The Group Manager role may:
Assign or unassign cases within his/her own group.
Approve, transfer, or return cases within his/her group.
Read, add, update, or propose purge documents in case files within his/her group.
The Area Manager role permits a user to oversee the determination process for cases assigned within the area.
The user may read, add, update and propose purge documents assigned to members in his/her own area.
The Area Manager can delegate permissions to area members and to the other area managers.
The Executive Management role permits a user to read documents and add comments to a CCR.
The NUI Manager role may read, add, update, and propose purge documents and information in the NUI.
The FSM role is assigned to TE/GE Business Customer Support (BCS). This role can:
Add user accounts to MEDS
Run security reports and audit trails
Invalidate user accounts
The System Support role has read only access. This role does not allow a user access to CCRs, open or closed case containers, purged documents, or any payment information.
The Records Manager role can:
Read, add, delete and purge applications and folders created by the system (for example, disclosable, non-disclosable, and purge folders).
Read all user and group profiles.
Update a CCR entry, override all delegations and make new delegation of roles across all levels.
Delegate any role except the FSM and Records Manager roles.
Role delegation allows a manager to delegate one or more of his/her user roles to members of his/her own group or to another manager.
Role delegation characteristics include:
Delegating a role to multiple users
Delegating roles with differing date ranges
Limiting the role delegation to no more than a 30-day period
Not allowing the delegate to re-delegate a role to another user
Revoking or cancelling a delegation
Group Managers, QA Manager, Area Managers, Executive Management, NUI Manager and Records Manager are the only users who may delegate his/her role(s). These individuals may delegate roles as follows:
Current Role May Delegate Role(s) To Restrictions Group Manager Group Manager and Group Tax Examiner Can only delegate to group members or another Group Manager. Area Manager Area Manager, Group Manager, and Group Tax Examiner Can only delegate to members of own area or another Area Manager. Executive Management Executive Management, Area Manager, and Group Manager Can only delegate to a user under the Executive Management user. NUI Manager NUI Manager Can only delegate to a user in the same business segment. Records Manager Any role except FSM and Records Manager None. -
A Records Manager can override all delegations.
For a managerial user to delegate a role, they must first identify the target user using a TEDS User search.
To search for the target user:
Click Advanced Search.
Select Object Type: TEDS User (teds_user).
From the Properties drop down menu, select Employee Group Number, Standard Employee Identifier, or other known criteria.
Enter group number, Standard Employee Identifier (SEID), or known criteria of user to be delegated.
Click Search.
To designate a role:
Highlight the line of the user to be delegated.
Click menu selection Role Delegation.
Click Delegate Role(s) on the drop down menu.
To select role:
Click drop down box.
Select the desired role.
To select delegation date range:
Enter a Start Date and End Date using the calendar option accessed by clicking the calendar.
Click Add to complete selection of the role.
Repeat steps to add additional roles.
To confirm role delegation:
Notifications are sent to the delegate’s Inbox to alert them of:
Delegated roles
Expiring delegated roles (sent 24 hours prior to expiration)
Revocation of delegated roles
Delegators also receive Inbox notifications of delegations.
Active and pending delegated roles are listed at the bottom of the delegate’s User Profile.
A role delegation may only be revoked or cancelled by the delegator, a Records Manager, or a FSM.
To revoke a delegation:
Click Advanced Search.
Select Object Type: TEDS User (teds_user).
From the Properties drop down menu, select Employee Group Number, Standard Employee Identifier, or other known criteria.
Enter group number, Standard Employee Identifier (SEID), or known criteria of target delegate.
Click Search.
Click on the SEID of the target delegate.
Click Remove in the acting and pending delegations section of the delegate’s user profile.
MEDS assigns a unique case number to each case and files it in the Document Repository. All documents and data for a particular case file can be found by searching under the assigned case number.
MEDS also uses status, sub-status, and event codes to monitor EO determination case inventory’s movement.
EO determination cases established in MEDS are assigned a unique 17 character number beginning with the prefix EO:
All documents and images submitted with a determination case are associated with the same case number.
Both a MEDS case number and an EDS case number are assigned to every determination letter application processed in MEDS.
The MEDS case number is created using the following:
First two letters - designate EO
Next four digits - designate a four digit year
Next three digits - designate Julian date
Final six digits - designate the sequential number for a single Julian day of the current year
After a case is established in MEDS, case data is transferred to EDS. The EDS Update Master Record screen lists the MEDS case number.
After a new MEDS record is created in EDS, the case is assigned a unique EDS case number. Case numbers are assigned with a two digit prefix beginning with the number 4. The second digit is the area office code as follows:
Northeast - 1
Mid-Atlantic - 2
Great Lakes - 3
Gulf Coast - 4
Central Mountain - 5
Pacific Coast - 6
The case number for a case established in EDS (but not in MEDS) begins with the area office code as the first digit followed by a zero.
The EDS Case History Record automatically updates as status changes occur in MEDS, unless EDS is blocked from further updates from MEDS (EDS Block).
The first EDS entry for a MEDS case is Status 63, Case Established (MEDS). This status is unique to MEDS.
Status codes help monitor the determination inventory and provide management with an effective way to manage it.
Status codes show:
Case ownership
Various actions taken on a case
Case movement
Status codes in MEDS are treated the same way as status codes in EDS.
An application is updated to Status 63 immediately upon establishment on MEDS.
Once the case is in Status 63, the opening business rules automatically determine whether the case updates to the NUI in Status 51, 61 or 71.
Other status codes are updated manually.
See Document 6379, Information Systems Codes FY 2024 (updated annually) Quick Reference for EO Employees, for a list of MEDS and EDS status codes.
There are various types of status code categories. Grouping status codes by category helps users understand when and how to use them.
When an application is in a certain status, it may only be updated to a limited number of other statuses.
MEDS may assign a sub-status code to a status code. A sub-status code is a case code that gives information on the case’s current state and may impact future allowable case actions. Sub-status codes are reflected in MEDS but not in EDS.
Sub-status codes appear as part of the listed status of the case.
Sub-status codes are listed in the table below.
Sub-status Code Sub-status Code Name Description AD Additional Document Automatic update when additional documents have been scanned in and associated with an open or closed case. AI Awaiting Information Manual update used with an open case status when the MEDS user sent a request for additional information and is awaiting a response from the applicant. The user manually checks the awaiting information indicator in the CCR entry to trigger the sub-status code update. AR Administrative Reopening Manual update used with Statuses 21, 57, and 59 when a case closed on MEDS is reopened for additional actions. AP Appeals Manual update with Status 34 used by QA manager to send a case to the Independent Office of Appeals. CC Cased Closed Automatic update with Status 21 when the case is in a final closed state and any paper case documents have been scanned into MEDS for archival purposes. GR Group Suspense Manual update used with Status 37 when a case is in group suspense. PA Proposed Adverse Manual update used with Status 34 when a case is closed to the EODQA manager as a proposed adverse. PC Proposed Closed Manual update used with Status 74 when: a case is submitted as a proposed closure. QA Quality Assurance Manual update used with Status 74 when a case is returned to the group by EODQA. RT Returned Manual update when a case is retuned to EODQA from the group. UI Unassigned Suspense Automatic update used with Status 37 when a case not assigned to a specialist.
System event codes are informational and show that a system event occurred on a case.
MEDS uses systemic event codes to more effectively distinguish between case movement, various case actions, and systemic events. View system event codes in Case Information - General Case Info. tab, in Case History, and in the Case Status Report. Only the most recent system event code is displayed in the Case Information - General Case Info. tab.
On MEDS, the status and sub-status codes are combined in one field and the event code will be its own field.
System event codes are listed in the table below.
System Event Code System Event Code Name Description AS Case Owner Assignment Case assignment. BR Business Rules Results Returned from Business Rules Engine Business rules were run for a case. EA EDS Acknowledgment EDS acknowledgment receipt of case update. EB EDS Blocked EDS is blocked from further updates from MEDS. MU Manual EDS Update Case information was manually updated or the case status was updated to be worked in EDS. RR Request Manager Review, Business Rules Run Case status is updated to 74PC (the closing business rules will run at this time). UA Case Owner Assignment Case was taken out of an assigned status and put back into unassigned inventory status. UF User Fee Updated User fee has been updated.
The information in this section explains navigating MEDS:
How to use the MEDS Repository to search, retrieve, and view case data and images and its function.
How to change MEDS case data and entity information
How to create, edit, and execute (run) search queries
How to import documents into a MEDS case file
How to split a document into two new documents
How MEDS interacts with EDS in the case closing process
How to use Optical Character Recognition (OCR)
The MEDS Document Repository is a virtual storehouse for all case data, images, and workpapers. It contains:
Electronic cabinets.
Individual case folders that store images of documents, reports, templates, messages, and personal files.
The document repository enhances EO Determinations’ ability to:
Organize work processes,
Manage case inventory,
Identify and associate documents with the correct case folder,
Streamline determination applications processing, and
Research open and closed inventory.
EO employees use the document repository to search, retrieve, and view data and images. Users access the different system components through the "Navigation" screen. Users are given roles and permissions that allow them access to specific aspects of the system. The permissions vary based on the role of the user (see IRM, Roles and Delegations).
These terms describe the different parts of a MEDS screen:
Navigation Pane - contains the user’s Inbox, My Cases, Templates, etc. and allows the user to navigate through the repository
Data Grid - displays case information
Column Labels - lists the attributes for a case, can be sorted and displayed in any order, and can be customized by each user
The user may select any of the following options to navigate through the system:
My Cases
Saved Searches
Recently Viewed
The data grid is located in the lower center of the MEDS screen. It displays the case information when you select My Cases from the Navigation Pane.
The function buttons are above the column labels. You can sort and display them in any order and customize them. Use the following options to perform different actions:
Cabinets are the highest level of organization in the repository. Just like a physical cabinet, they store and organize file folders and provide easy access to case files and templates.
The two types of cabinets are:
MEDS universal cabinets are the highest level of organization for MEDS cases. Cases are sorted by:
EP or EO
EP cases display for EP users, and EO cases display for EO users. Cases move from one cabinet to another based on status code changes.
Universal cabinets are:
Cabinet Description National Unassigned Inventory (NUI) NUI cabinet stores unassigned cases. National Assigned Inventory (NAI) NAI cabinet stores cases that are assigned to a group or to a specialist. Archived Cases Archived Cases "year" cabinets store closed cases, including cases that have been scanned into MEDS after closing on EDS. Currently, MEDS closed cases remain in the National Assigned Inventory in Status 57 or 59. Group 7849 Queue for printing repository notices and letters. -
Only the Records Manager and the NUI Manager can see the NUI, NAI, and the Archived Cases cabinets.
Personal cabinets are unique to each user and are used to notify the user of new messages as well as to organize each user’s assigned case files, workpapers, documents, and reports. MEDS personal cabinets are:
My Cases
Recently Viewed
Saved Searches
The Inbox cabinet alerts you of system events or received requests. It’s similar to your Inbox in Microsoft Outlook.
The Inbox cabinet receives notifications of:
New case assignments or cases returned from the manager
Receipt of new documents
A related case
Case sent to manager for review or proposed closing
Role delegation
Only automatic notifications are allowed. Users can’t send or receive messages.
To open a message, double click on the link. Opening a message provides additional information about the notification.
To delete messages from the Inbox, select the message by clicking on it, then: right click and select Delete from the displayed options, or select File, Delete from the displayed options and click OK on the confirmation screen.
The My Cases cabinet:
Contains cases assigned to you.
Provides easy access to your inventory.
By clicking on My Cases, you can access an assigned case in MEDS:
View case data
View case file images
Create a case chronology entry
View payment information
A manager’s My Cases cabinet contains all cases assigned to the group including unassigned and suspense cases.
Managers also have a cabinet called User Cases. The User Cases cabinet allows the manager to select and display a specific group member’s case listing. It contains links to each assigned case and any direct reports (for example, a specialist and his/her group manager both "own" a case assigned to the specialist).
The Reports cabinet provides the ability to generate various reports:
Cases by Power of Attorney Report
Multiple Case Summary
Individual Case Information
MEDS Case Processing Report
TE/GE Case Reconciling Report
Case Status Report
Case History Record
The Recently Viewed cabinet provides a link to recently viewed documents and folders.
View a case file by clicking on the underlined attribute titled Case Information or clicking on the yellow folder icon. You can see various files and folders.
Files are shown by an icon of a piece of paper. Access them by right clicking the file name and then double clicking Properties or clicking on the blue "i" icon. The Case Information file contains entity specific data (DLN, applicant name, contacts, address, control date, user fee, etc.).
Folders are shown as a yellow folder icon. Access them by clicking the folder name. Each case contains these file and folders:
Documents - related to the case (application, organizing document, work papers, etc.)
Case Chronology - all entries that have been created for the case
Case History - information on all the case status code changes made
Payments - user fee payment information
BRE Results - results of the Business Rules Engine
Related Cases - list of cases with the same EIN, etc.
The Case Information file has several different tabs with case information.
From this window, you can view the status of the EDS Block Indicator, Mandatory Review Indicator, and Mandatory Review Type.
The Documents folder contains all documents the applicant submitted and the specialist prepared/imported.
Open the Documents folder by double clicking Documents.
The Documents folder contains the following subfolders:
New Documents - documents scanned in MEDS after the case is established. (When new document(s) are received, the number of documents are in parentheses, and the name of the subfolder are in bold print until the documents are moved).
Working - documents the specialist is editing.
Disclosable - all disclosable case documents such as original forms, attachments, and correspondence.
Non-Disclosable - all non-disclosable information such as closing forms and worksheets.
Purge - all items the specialist (or anyone with appropriate permissions) determines to be immaterial to the administrative case file.
View or access subfolders or folder contents by double clicking the folder or the underlined item to be viewed.
You can customize MEDS display screens.
The Inbox, cabinets, and folders screens default settings are 10 items per page, but you can change the items per page setting to 50 or 100.
To change the number of items displayed per page, click on the Items per page setting on the column label bar and select the desired display setting. The suggested items per page setting is 50.
If there are more items available to view on the items per page, use the single arrow on the toolbar to move from one page to the previous or next page. Use the double arrows to go to the first or last page of the list.
Each data grid display contains unique column headers that relate to the specific information displayed in the data grid. You can change the information displayed on the screen by adding, reordering, or removing column headers:
Click on the Column Preferences icon (two columns of lines and a right arrow) located in the column header field on the far right of the screen. Scroll to the right if the icon isn’t shown.
After you click on the Column Preferences icon, the Preferences: Display Settings selection screen displays.
To add a column header, from the Preferences: Display Settings selection screen:
Click on the desired column attribute in the Select attributes to display box on the left.
Click on the right arrow to move the desired attribute into the "Selected attributes to display as column" box on the right.
The new column header attribute has now been moved from the Select attributes to display box on the left and added to the Selected attributes to display column box on the right.
Click OK to accept the changes.
To remove a column header, from the Preferences: Display Settings selection screen:
Click on the column attribute located in the Selected attributes to display as column: box on the right.
Click on the left arrow to move the attribute into the Select attributes to display box on the left.
Click OK to accept the changes.
You can organize the information on the data grid by choosing the order in which the columns display. This re-order function is available for most cabinets.
To reorder column headers, from the Preferences: Display Settings selection screen:
Click on the desired column header to be re-ordered in the Selected attributes to display as column: box on the left.
Click on the up or down arrow to move the column header to the desired location.
Click OK to accept the changes.
The attributes are displayed in the Selected attributes to display as column: box in the order that they appear as column headers on the data grid from left to right. The re-order function isn’t available for the Inbox, Saved Searches, or Recently Viewed.
The User Profile stores:
Your profile information
Group information
Information about roles assigned to you
Access the User Profile screen by clicking User Profile next to the Logout button at the top of the screen.
One of the items listed in the user profile is your MEDS role(s).
Find additional information on specific roles and role delegations in IRM, Roles and Delegations.
The MEDS Case Chronology Record (CCR) is an electronic document where system and manually generated entries are chronologically recorded in a case. When time is entered or updated for a case, MEDS automatically calculates the total hours entered for each of the user roles (screener, specialist, and reviewer) and totals all hours charged to the case. Once a case is closed to Status 21, 57, or 59, only the Records Manager can change an entry.
The Case Chronology folder is classified as non-disclosable.
MEDS automatically generates a case chronology entry when a case is assigned or unassigned and when there’s a change in case status. Automatic entry information includes:
Current date and time
Current status code
Employee name and SEID (or "System" )
MEDS users can manually create CCR entries to record actions taken on a case. To create a CCR entry:
Open the CCR by double clicking on the yellow folder icon.
Click File, then Create Case Chronology Record form the drop down menu.
Complete the appropriate fields.
Click Finish.
CCR fields include Current role, Activity, Description, Follow-up Date, Follow-up Complete, Person Contacted, Time, and Awaiting Information.
Certain fields create searchable information or update the case status.
Current Role options include Screener, Specialist, Reviewer, or Other.
Select at least one activity option from a drop down menu: Assign Case, Review Case, Request Information, etc. You can select more than one activity by holding the Control key when making the selections. All selected activities display on the CCR.
The Description field is a manually entered text field.
Enter follow-up dates using the available calendar option and display on the CCR.
Follow-up Complete is a check box option that closes or completes a follow-up date entry.
Person Contacted is a manually entered text field.
Time is a numeric entry of time spent performing the activity. Only case owners can enter time on a case.
Awaiting Information is a check box option to indicate information was requested and a response is outstanding.
You can edit your own CCR entries as long as the case is assigned to you. Editing includes clearing follow-up dates, clearing an AI sub-status, or correcting entry information such as activities or time on case.
For edited entries, MEDS retains the initial entry date and time and also displays the most recent edit’s date and time.
To edit a CCR entry, from within the Case Chronology Record folder:
Click in the blue "i" icon next to the entry to be corrected (or right click on the line and select Properties from the dialog box).
Change the existing information as necessary. If you followed-up on the case, check the Follow-up Complete box.
Click OK to accept changes or Cancel to exit without making any changes.
To print a copy of the CCR (for example, for a hard copy case file), from the main case screen:
Select Reports from the top bar menu.
Select Case Chronology Report from the list of options.
Once the CCR is displayed, click File on the Internet Explorer toolbar, then Print, or select the printer icon at the top of the screen.
Maintaining accurate records is an important function of the determination application process.
As part of reviewing determination cases, specialists verify that entity information and other case data are correct in MEDS (for example, correct name, address, user fee paid, etc.) and make corrections in MEDS as necessary.
Information flows from MEDS to EDS. Therefore, make all case updates in MEDS for cases established in MEDS. Once an update is made in MEDS, it rolls to EDS. Don’t make updates in EDS as this will generally cause a blocked error message (EDS Block). Once a case has an EDS block, no MEDS updates will roll to EDS.
If a case has an EDS block:
A specialist can update a case to only Status 74.
A manager can update a case to only Status 74 or 75.
A MEDS case with an EDS block will have an Event Code EB (EDS Block). An EDS Block Indicator will also be set. The Event Code EB and the EDS Block Indicator are set when a transaction to EDS is blocked.
The EDS Block update is recorded in the Case History Report on MEDS and EDS.
To have an EDS block temporarily removed, submit a ticket through IRWorks. See IRM, System Support.
Entity information consists of the applicant name, EIN and name control. View and edit the entity information from the File drop down menu.
To change entity information, open the case to the case folder level:
Click File then Change Case from the drop down menu. You can also highlight the case information line, then right click on the case information line and select Change Case from the dialog box.
A new window opens.
Select Modify Entity Information from the drop down menu; click OK.
Correct the information, as needed.
Click OK when finished.
Review the entity information to ensure the change was accepted.
Click Send Update to EDS (optional). You can also highlight the case information line, then right click on the case information line and select Send Update To EDS from the dialog box. Click OK to send update.
The disclosable indicator consists of a "T" for Non-Disclosable and "F" for Disclosable. The indicator is changed much like the entity information is modified.
To change the disclosable indicator:
Open the case to the main screen level.
Click File then Change Case from the drop down menu. You can also highlight the case information line, then right click on the case information line and select Change Case from the dialog box.
A new window opens.
Select Make Case Disclosable from the drop down menu and click OK.
A new window opens, again click OK to confirm.
From the case level view, access the Properties: Info screen:
Right click on the Case Information line.
Left click Properties line in the dialog box.
You can also access the Properties: Info screen by clicking on the blue "i" icon to the right of the Case Information line from the My Cases view on search results.
Modify case information from the Properties: Info screen. The Case Information file lists case data under several different headings.
The Properties: Info screen has the following tabs:
General Case Info
Receipt and Handling
Entity Data
EO Closing Data
Each of these tabs contains different information. You must click OK at the bottom of the screen to accept the entries or corrections. Generally, you update information on all tabs prior to selecting OK. You’ll be asked whether to update EDS and then returned to the case main screen.
The Case Information file opens to the General Case Info tab.
Authorized users can make changes or enter information into open fields including:
Expedite Reason Code
Closing Code
Case Grade
Authorized users are also able to update the Potential Duplicate Flag.
From this screen, you can view the status of the EDS Block Indicator.
Case categories are initially set by the opening business rules and may be edited by the case owner or other authorized user. The Case Category lists case attributes, for example, initial application/submission, etc.
Editing a case category is similar to the process described in IRM, Adding Column Headers, or IRM, Removing Column Headers.
To edit a case category:
Click Edit on the General Case Info tab.
Highlight the category to be added or removed.
Click Add or Remove.
Highlight the category to be reordered on the lower box (if applicable).
Click Move Up or Move Down (if applicable).
Click OK or Cancel.
The Receipt and Handling tab contains postmark and receipt data, the non-scannable document indicator, and user fee information for the case.
The specialist is responsible, as part of the case processing, for ensuring that the user fee payments are correct or corrected.
The Entity Data tab contains the applicant address and other contact information as well as the time charged to the case in MEDS. The specialist is required to correct or complete the fillable fields based on available information.
If time charged is inaccurate, the specialist corrects the incorrect case chronology entry (if made by the specialist); otherwise, have the case time corrected in EDS after MEDS is updated to Status 21 and the information is transmitted to EDS.
The Entity Type must match the Type of Organization on the EO Closing Data tab.
Refer to address guidelines located in IRM 3.13.12, Exempt Organization Account Numbers.
The Contacts tab contains Power of Attorney (POA) and Point of Contact (POC) information.
The specialist corrects the fillable fields, as necessary, including checking the box(es) to indicate copies of letters to be sent to POAs (see IRM 7.20.1, Exempt Organizations Determination Letter Overview, for more information on Form 2848 and Form 8821).
Refer to address guidelines located in IRM 3.13.12, Exempt Organization Account Numbers.
The EO Closing Data tab contains information that transmits to EDS to complete Form 8670 when closing a case.
Closing information includes:
Type of organization
Accounting period
NAICS and NTEE codes
Filing requirements
Employment code
Affiliation code
Class code
Foundation code
Deductibility code and year
Pension plan
Hospital indicator
Determination code
Ruling date
Effective date
Advance ruling end date
Group exemption number
Closing letter number (do not enter)
Manager approved indicator
Use drop down menus to select EO Closing Data.
After you enter closing information, select OK to push update to EDS.
Case indicators identify various components of a case. Some indicators, if set, prevent a case from closing. The following table lists indicators, how they are entered or set, their effect on case status changes, and their location in the Case Info tabs.
Name Entry/Update Method Effect on Transition to EDS Case Information Tab Location Expedite Reason Manually set by drop down box. No impact. General Case Info Dishonored Check Indicator Set by User Fee Adjustor in MEDS. Dishonored check prevents case from going to Status 74PC and Status 21. Receipt and Handling Potential Duplicate Indicator Set "on" by MEDS at case establishment; set "off" by specialist. Potential duplicate prevents case from going to Status 74PC and Status 21. General Case Info User fee Indicator Set "on" by business rules at case establishment. User Fee Adjustor may update. Indicator set to incorrect user fee prevents case from going to Status 74PC and Status 21. Receipt and Handling Mandatory Review Manually set or removed during case processing by authorized user or set by opening/closing business rules. With Mandatory Review indicator set to T (or 1), the case will automatically update to status 31 when updated to status 21. General Case Info EDS Block Indicator Set by system when EDSAck returns Event Code EB. Can be manually set or temporarily unset by MEDS Records Manager. Prevents cases from going to 21, 31, 32, 33, 34, 52, 53, 62, 64, 72, 73, and 74PC. General Case Info
MEDS query and search features help to locate a particular case, find a particular power of attorney, or conduct general research.
Using query and search makes it easier to research determination case files.
MEDS has two query options:
Simple Search
Advanced Search
Each query begins with the menu options on the top of the web page.
The Search box allows a user to perform a simple query using the MEDS case number.
The Advanced Search allows a user to perform a query based on one specific property or multiple properties. An advanced search can also be used to generate a simple case listing report.
Use the advanced search to search MEDS for cases based on any combination of search values.
To start an advanced search, click Advanced Search found at the top of the web page.
The Advanced Search page opens to the Advanced Search General tab displaying the different search options. Using advanced search, you can customize a query based on:
Predetermined location(s) in which to search (Object Type)
Single property value or multiple property values (Properties)
Specific actions that occurred during specific time frames (Date)
File size (Size)
Check the Save Search box on the Advance Search screen to save the entered search criteria.
Check Show Result Count Only to return the total number of MEDS cases that meet the search criteria rather than a full listing of the cases.
After you enter the desired search criteria, run all queries by clicking Search at the bottom of the page.
You can select the search location using the advanced search query by clicking on the Object Type drop down arrow. Each Object Type has a different set of Property values.
Search on these object types:
All MEDS cases
MEDS users
Perform advanced searches using the Properties button.
To search using Properties, select/enter:
First field: click on the drop down arrow to select a property.
Second field: click on the drop down arrow to select the relationship of the search value to the property value (for example, =, contains, etc.).
Third field: enter the search value (for example, EIN, applicant name, etc.) (some options have pre-populated drop down options).
MEDS allows you to search on more than one property.
Search using multiple properties by clicking Add another property and selecting one of the following options:
"And" returns search results that match this property value and the property value on the previous line. This limits the search.
"Or" returns search result that match this property value or the property value on the previous line. This expands the search.
If the search result(s) isn’t the expected outcome, you can eliminate some properties in the search criteria.
To remove a property, click Remove next to the property you want to eliminate.
Use the Date field to search using various date elements for a specified time period.
To search using the Date field:
Select case requirements in the Properties line.
Select the date and time period in the remaining fields.
Search results display the cases that match the search criteria.
If the query is a text-based property (for example, a name), the words that match the search value(s) are highlighted.
The search results display in case control date order.
If the query produces a large result list or if you only need the case count, click the magnifier to obtain the number of case results. The query continues to process.
If you only need to search for the number of case results, place a check in the Show Result Count box.
The user can edit and re-run the query if the query did not return the expected outcome.
To edit a query perform the following:
Click on Edit Search.
Modify the search criteria.
Click Search to re-run the query.
Save advanced search query criteria to view or run again.
Complete the Name and Description fields to help identify the saved search:
Click OK to save the search.
Click box to uncheck Include Results.
Access saved searches by clicking Saved Searches in the Navigation Pane.
You can revise, re-run, or delete your own saved searches.
When you re-run a saved search query, the search uses the same parameters but returns updated results.
To run a saved search:
Click Saved Search.
Right click on the selected search, click Run Search.
To modify the search parameters before running the search:
Right click on the selected search, click Edit.
Edit the desired criteria.
Click Search to re-run the search.
After you’ve completed a search, you can export the search results to Excel. You can export all of the results or only a specific column.
To export a completed search:
Right click on the Search Results, click Export to CSV. This opens a second window.
All columns will be selected by default. Select and remove any unwanted columns by clicking on the column name and clicking on the left arrow to remove.
Click OK.
A file download box will open, click Open. The results will be displayed as an Excel spreadsheet.
You can import documents prepared outside of MEDS into a case file.
MEDS functions:
Browse computer files
Import additional documents and work papers
Move documents to the disclosable or non-disclosable folder
Edit imported documents
Copy a document in one case file into another case file within the specialist’s inventory
After you’ve successfully imported the document, you can move it to the appropriate destination folder.
To import a document:
From the case main screen, click on the Documents folder.
Click on the target folder.
Click File and select Import from the drop down menu.
If a security warning screen appears, select Run.
On the file import screen, click Browse.
Use the Choose File box to import any file located on the computer:
Locate and highlight the desired file on the computer.
Click Open on the Chosen File box.
To import an additional document(s) at the same time, select the next Browse box and repeat the above steps.
After you select the desired documents, click Next or click Cancel to abort the import.
After you select the documents for import, identify the document on the Import: Object Definition screen. Enter this information for each imported document to ensure correct identification and placement in the electronic case file.
On the Import: Object Definition screen:
After you import a document, it appears in the target folder and is part of the case file. Move documents you import to a case’s Working folder or place in an incorrect folder to the appropriate destination folder (for example, from the Working folder to the Disclosable or Non-Disclosable folder).
You can move documents between the following folders:
New Documents
Ensure that all documents are in the correct folders for case closing and archival purposes before you submit the case to the manager for review.
Move all documents in the New Documents and Working folders to the appropriate folder to close the case in MEDS.
To move a document:
Open the folder of the document to be moved.
Select the document to be moved.
Click File and select the correct destination folder from the drop down menu or right click on the selected document and select the correct destination folder.
After you select the desired document destination, the display screen confirms that MEDS will move the document to the requested location. Click OK to complete the action or Cancel to abort.
You can make changes within MEDS to documents you’ve imported into the case file.
To edit an imported document:
Open the folder where the document is located.
Click File and select Edit from the drop down menu, or select Edit by right clicking on selected document.
If the Internet Explorer Security Warning appears, select Run.
A key will appear next to the name of the document being edited.
The selected document opens in the appropriate program (i.e., Word, Excel, or Adobe). After making the desired changes, save the document using the program’s save functions and then close the document.
After saving and closing the document, go back to the MEDS folder where the original is located (the document still has a key next to it indicating that the document has been checked out and is being edited.)
To complete the editing process:
Highlight the document to be checked in.
Select File, or right click on the selected document.
From the menu, select Check In to accept the changes or Cancel Check Out to keep the original version of the document.
After selecting Check In, a Check In screen appears. MEDS will designate a save version. Select the "same version."
Complete desired entries (entries are not required).
Click OK to finish.
To cancel the edited document:
Select Cancel Check Out from the File drop down menu.
Click OK on the Cancel Check Out confirmation screen.
Ensure that all documents are checked in or that check outs are cancelled prior to case closing.
View the edited document by clicking on the document link.
You can select one or more documents in a MEDS case and copy the documents into another case file. Both cases must be assigned to the specialist.
To copy a document, perform the following steps:
From the case main screen, click on the Documents folder.
Click on the folder containing the document.
Select the document.
Click File, or right click on selected case, then select Copy Documents to Another Case from the drop down menu.
Select the Case to copy the documents.
Enter the target case number.
Select the correct destination folder from the drop down menu.
Click OK or Cancel to abort.
A verification screen displays the applicant name and EIN of the target case and the document to be copied.
Verify target information.
Click OK to complete action or Cancel to abort.
A screen will confirm copying of documents.
Copied documents are tracked in the destination case’s history. Tracked information includes the originating case number and document(s) copied. Access case history information from the main case screen Case History link or in the case level reports. No information is tracked in the originating case.
MEDS generates an error message if the selected documents cannot be copied. Error messages are generated if the target case isn’t assigned to the user, and/or you enter an unrecognized case number.
File images in MEDS may require modification to ensure that documents are correctly identified, contain relevant information, and don’t contain information that is a mixture of disclosable and non-disclosable items.
Splitting a document image is a multiple-step process which allows you to edit an image while maintaining a complete copy of the original document in the MEDS case. The splitting process can be done by the case owner or an authorized user.
Check out documents before splitting.
To check out a document:
Select the desired document by clicking on the document line. Select multiple documents by holding down the Ctrl key.
Select File then Check Out or right click on the documents to select Check Out.
A small key appears to the left of the document name(s) indicating that the document(s) is checked out.
To complete or abort the editing process, check the document(s) back into MEDS:
Select the document(s).
Click File then Check In from the drop down menu or click Cancel Check Out to abort any changes made. Another option to cancel the check out or check in documents is to right click on the selected documents.
Alternatively, create a PDF of the document (print to Adobe PDF), edit as necessary, then import into MEDS. Move originals to Purge as appropriate.
To split or modify a scanned document:
Right click on the document and select Edit; the document opens in Microsoft Document Imaging Viewer.
To display thumbnail page views on the side of the document, click View and Thumbnail View.
On the Thumbnail pages, select the pages to delete by holding the Ctrl button and click on the desired pages.
Right click on a highlighted page and select cut, copy, or delete the pages.
Click File, Save as, and save the document to the hard drive (i.e., SBU folder).
Close the document.
In MEDS, right click on document and select check in.
Go to bottom of screen and click on browse.
Locate the edited document on the hard drive.
Double click on the document and wait for MEDS to complete loading the document (a change button will display instead of browse).
Click on OK, and the import will complete.
Repeat as necessary.
Move original document to Non-Disclosable folder or Purge folder.
Scanned documents are imported as TIFF files. By default most computers open TIFF images in a Photo Viewer application. You must have Microsoft Office Document Imaging (MODI) installed on your computer to complete the steps above. If you need MODI installed, submit a ticket through IRS Service Central (IRWorks).
You can search MEDS documents for words or phrases using Optical Character Recognition (OCR).
OCR is computer software that reads text from paper and translates images into a form the computer can manipulate. It translates handwritten or typed scanned text into language the machine understands and text it can edit.
After you apply the OCR function to the document(s), you can perform word or phrase searches using the binocular icon.
To search a document using OCR:
Open a scanned document.
Click on the binoculars icon on the toolbar.
Click OK when dialogue box appears.
Select desired page range and click OK.
Enter the search word or phrase in the find box after OCR completion.
The target search word or phrase appears highlighted in the Find box and throughout the document.
Use the action icons to manipulate the search result.
After viewing the document, click on the X located in the upper right corner of the image to exit.
You can save the changes if you want to, by clicking Yes and saving the changes to the hard drive.
Retrieve the document by importing it into the target folder.
To exit without saving the changes, click No.
To return to the search result, click Cancel.
After the document has gone through the OCR process, it can be searched any number of times.
MEDS has several options for viewing and marking up documents. There are two rows of mark-up icons.
Row one icons are listed in the table below:
Mark-up Icon Function Open Opens folders. Save Saves a copy of the document to the user’s computer. Print Prints the documents. Scan New Documents Scans a new document if the user’s computer is connected to a scanner. Undo Undoes the last action taken on a document. Redo Reverses an Undo action taken on a document. Reading View Allows documents to be read in full screen format. Find Searches a document for a word or phrase. Recognize Text Using OCR Allows the MEDS user to initiate the OCR reading of a document to make the document searchable. Send Text to Word Converts a scanned document into a Word document. Previous Page Moves to the previous page of a document. Next Page Moves to the next page of a document. Help Accesses the help database. -
Row two icons are listed in the table below:
Mark-up Icon Function Select Select text within an area by creating a window around the highlighted text. The user can select a command including Copy, Copy Image, and Send Text to Word, to copy the highlighted text. Pan Changes the on-screen position of pages and documents to a zoom percentage. Zoom Percentage Shows the percentage of the change made to the original document when using the "Zoom" function. Zoom In Enlarges the size of the document image. Zoom Out Reduces the size of the document image. Rotate Left Rotates the document image 90 degrees to the left. Rotate Right Rotates the document image 90 degrees to the right. Pen Writes on the document image using the mouse as a pen. Highlighter Highlights text within the document image. Insert Text Box Creates an electronic note on the document image. Insert Picture Inserts a picture on the document image. Select Annotations Opens an electronic note and pastes text into the electronic note in one action.
This section explains MEDS electronic environment:
Case assignment capabilities and how to use the assignment option
Case processing steps
Steps for preparing MEDS cases for closing and managerial review
Users who may assign cases are:
Group managers (and above)
QA manager
Delegated group manager users
Delegated case assigners
MEDS sends an Inbox notification to the assignee when cases have been assigned.
There are several case assignment options in MEDS.
An authorized user can:
Assign one case at a time
Assign several cases at one time
Assign cases to a group or an individual
Return cases to the NUI (Status 51 or 61)
Group managers and other case assigners can assign cases to a group’s unassigned inventory in Status 75 or directly to a specialist. Unassigned group inventory cases are part of the group manager’s inventory and are available for assignment to group members.
To start the case assignment process, the assigner can run an advanced search for the desired unassigned inventory (for example, Status 51, 61, 71, or 75) or desired criteria (control dates, case categories, form numbers, etc.).
Using the advanced search results:
Select the case or cases to be assigned (up to 50 cases can be assigned at one time). Highlight the case or cases by holding down the Ctrl key.
Click File on the gray toolbar.
Select Change Status or right click on selected case then select Change Status.
The Selected Status screen displays the available statuses in a drop down menu.
The Assign Case screen displays a list of cases available for assignment. The assigner can assign cases to the group (Status 75) or individuals within the group. The assigner must select the Add to Group Inventory to assign cases to the unassigned group inventory or select View Screeners next to the group number. Scroll down to select the individual specialist to whom the case(s) will be assigned.
A confirmation screen displays the newly assigned case name(s) and number(s) and the group or individual to which assigned.
If the case assignment is successful, MEDS updates the case to Status 52, 62, 72, or 75 and updates the case history to reflect the activity. Click Close at the bottom right of the screen to return to the main screen.
The case assigner may receive a message indicating that selected NUI case(s) could not be assigned. This occurs when assigning cases to the group inventory or specialist, if another case assigner was attempting to assign the same case to another user at the same time. MEDS assigns the case based on the assigner it recognizes as first.
Cases come to QA in Status 31 in QA Group unassigned inventory.
To start the case assignment process, the assigner can run an advanced search for the QA unassigned inventory (Status 31).
Using the search results:
Select the case or cases to be assigned. Highlight the case or cases by holding down the Ctrl key.
Click File on the gray toolbar.
Select Change Status or right click on selected case then select Change Status.
The Selected Status screen displays the available statuses in a drop down menu.
The Assign Case screen displays a list of cases available for assignment. The cases are assigned to reviewers in Status 32.
Each manager has cases in various status codes that are considered part of their group inventory. Group inventory is considered part of the NAI.
Group inventory includes:
Cases assigned directly to members of the group - these cases can be in various stages of completion
Cases that have been completed by the specialist and are waiting for managerial review
Cases in unassigned group inventory or group suspense
Group inventory is "owned" by the group. If a group manager changes, all group inventory cases remain associated with the group rather than the individual manager. Group manager changes are completed via a BEARS request. Temporary group manager delegations are completed by the group manager through role delegation (see IRM, Roles and Delegations).
Cases assigned directly to members of a group are dually owned by both the group manager and the specialist.
The group manager and anyone above the group manager (for example, Area Manager) can view the group inventory and may have other permissions to the cases as well.
The group manager’s My Cases inventory lists all cases assigned in the group and identifies any specialist assigned to the case. Group managers can also view cases assigned to each specialist within the group by using the User Cases cabinet.
A manager may need to reassign/transfer one or more cases to another user for various reasons. Only a group manager or assigner can reassign cases assigned to the group or the group members. Cases can be assigned from one user to another or from one group to another.
To reassign or transfer a case, the case must first be updated to Status 74, 74PC, or 75.
To reassign, update the status, or transfer a case:
From My Cases, highlight the case(s) to be updated. You can select multiple cases by holding down the Ctrl key and highlighting each case(s) or by holding down the shift key and highlighting the top and bottom cases to select consecutive cases.
Click File, then click Change Status, and then from the select status change drop down menu select 75 - Group Transfer or the desired assign or unassign action from the drop down box.
When the Case Transfer or Case Assign screen appears with the selected case(s), click on the link for the desired group or specialists. You’ll receive a confirmation screen showing the completed action.
Click Close to return to main screen.
Specialist group reassignment is completed via a BEARS request. The group manager or other delegated user doesn’t need to complete any additional actions for this process.
Cases in Status 74, 74PC, or 37 don’t transfer with the specialist even though they may have appeared in the specialist’s My Cases listing. Cases in these statuses are considered unassigned group inventory and remain with the group.
Cases are assigned to a reviewer in Status 32.
To reassign or transfer the case, the case must be first updated to Status 34 or 34PC.
To reassign, update the status, or transfer a case:
From My Cases, highlight the case(s) to be updated.
Click File, then click Change Status, and then from the status change drop down menu select the desired action from the drop down options.
Click Close to return to the main screen.
If the case is not returned to the Determinations group, it will be closed in QA. The QA manager will "turn on" the Manager Approval indicator and the QA clerical staff will update the case to a closing status and mail the closing letter(s).
If the case is returned to the Determinations group, the QA manager will update the case to status 74QA.
MEDS and EDS communicate to process and close cases. They communicate updates on open cases and populate closing data in EDS on cases updated for closing.
Use MEDS to work cases to completion.
After you’ve identified and resolved all issues for a case or determined that the case can’t be processed in MEDS, complete the closing information (if closing) and update the case to Status 74 or 74PC in MEDS.
See also IRM 7.20.2, Determination Letter Processing of Exempt Organizations, and IRM 7.20.9, Processing Form 1023-EZ, for non-MEDS specific case processing and closing procedures.
Work all cases in MEDS until you determine the case:
Note in a CCR entry the reason you’re updating the case to the manager. Primary reasons for sending a case to the manager are the case:
Is ready for proposed closure
Needs to be reassigned
Must be placed in suspense
Updating a case to the manager is basically the same in all circumstances.
Before submitting a case to the manager for closure, ensure:
Case data is correct (for example, total case time, transcribed data in pre-populated fields, user fee data, etc.).
Required work papers (worksheets, forms, etc.) were imported, placed in the correct folders, and any required case categories added according to current procedure requirements in IRM 7.20.2, Determination Letter Processing of Exempt Organizations, and IRM 7.20.9, Processing Form 1023-EZ.
A CCR entry was created.
New Documents folder is emptied by moving documents to the appropriate folder (Disclosable, Non-Disclosable, or Purge). The New Documents folder must be empty before closure.
Move all documents in a Non-Disclosable case to the Non-Disclosable folder.
Complete the No Closing Letter sheet and import it into the MEDS Working folder with the file name No Closing Letter and Document Type as Other.
Download a copy of the appropriate letter from SharePoint and save it to your computer as FinalLetter.
Import the letter into the MEDS Working folder. When importing, choose FinalLetter for Document Type and Document Name for disclosable letters. For non-disclosable letters, select FinalLetter-Non-Disclosable.
Once imported, click Save at the bottom of the screen. The letter should open in Edit mode. If it doesn’t, close the letter window and right click on the letter in the folder. Choose Edit then Save.
Populate any other fields and select any of the selectable paragraphs needed. Once you’ve chosen any selectable paragraphs, click Hide Selectable Paragraph Pages. In the letter header, list only the last applicable foundation classification. For example, for foundation status 509(a)(1) and 170(b)(1)(A)(vi) enter only 170(b)(1)(A)(vi). In the body of the letter, use the full foundation classification.
Make sure to add or delete Enclosure and cc: information.
Enter the TE/GE Customer Account Services phone number 877-829-5500.
Enter the last seven digits of your SmartID as the ID Number.
Verify the organization’s name is complete.
If the letter has a Hide Blank Fields check box at the bottom, check it to remove any blank fillable fields
Once you’ve completed the letter and populated all the fields:
Click File and Save As.
Choose an encrypted folder on your computer to save the completed letter and click "Yes" to replace the existing file, if necessary.
Close the letter template and blank web browser screen to return to the Working folder.
In MEDS, right click on the saved PDF letter file and choose Check In.
Click the radio button for the 1.0 Same Version. Browse and choose the letter file you just saved.
Click Open in the dialog box and then click Ok.
Open the letter to make sure it has the correct organization and information.
If there’s a valid Form 2848 or Form 8821 (with Disclosure of tax information box checked) for the case, complete Letter 937-A, Transmittal of Information to Power of Attorney, and import it into the Working folder. Name the letter FinalLetter-POA. Select FinalLetter-POA for the document type and document name when importing.
For standard PDF closing letters that are not composed closing letters, follow the steps in IRM, Cases with a Closing Letter - Not Mandatory Review, to create the letter. Once completed and saved, right click on letter and change the name of the letter to the letter number. Then, right click on the letter and move it to the Non-Disclosable folder.
For composed letters (for example, Letter 4034), complete the letter, name it using the MEDS File Naming Conventions document on SharePoint and import it as a Word document into the Non-Disclosable folder.
If there’s a valid Form 2848 or Form 8821 (with Disclosure of tax information box checked) for the case, complete Letter 937-A, Transmittal of Information to Power of Attorney, and import it into the Non-Disclosable folder. Name the letter FinalLetter-POA. Select FinalLetter-POA for the document type and document name when importing.
Review and update the Case Information file prior to case transfer or closing. From the case main screen, highlight Case Information file, right click, then select Properties or click the blue "i" icon.
On the General Case Info. Tab:
Enter the Closing Code for proposed closures using the Closing Code drop down menu to select the appropriate closing code.
Edit Case Category as necessary, adding required case categories and deleting unnecessary ones. Information on how to edit case categories can be found in IRM, Modifying Data.
Verify other information on tab is correct (Case Grade, Form Number, etc.).
On the Receipt and Handling Tab, ensure user fee payment amount is correct and user fee indicators will allow closing. Request update to user fee indicator as necessary (see IRM 7.20.2, Determination Letter Processing of Exempt Organizations).
On the Entity Data Tab:
Verify the name, EIN, and name control of organization is correct (see Document 7071-A, Name Control Job Aid - For Use Outside of the Entity Area, for name control assistance). If necessary, correct information following procedures listed in IRM, Changing Basic Entity Data.
Verify address is correct or correct as necessary. See IRM, Domestic Mailing and Location Addresses, for address guidelines.
Verify the Type of Organization matches the Entity Type on the EO Closing Data tab.
On the Contacts tab, ensure any POA information is correct and validity and copy indicators are correct (see IRM, Authorized Persons, for more information on POAs).
On the EO Closing Data tab, complete all fields required for case closing using the drop down selections or the notated data format. Hit OK to push data to EDS.
When a case is updated for managerial review or manual processing, update the case to the manager in Status 74 or 74PC.
You can update a single case or multiple cases for managerial review or proposed closure.
To select cases for review:
If updating a single case, open the case to the case level view or update the case from My Case view.
If updating multiple cases, select the desired case by holding the control key and highlight the line of each case to be updated for managerial review.
After you select the case(s):
Click File.
Select Change Status from the drop down menu.
Select For Manager Review - 74 or For Proposed Closure - 74PC from the drop down menu.
Click OK to confirm or Cancel to abort.
Verify the case was approved for closure. If not, click the BRE Results folder. Check the Summary Messages folder and correct any errors listed. Close the case again and verify the closure was approved.
MEDS Indicators tell users that an issue needs to be resolved before updating the case to the manager for review. You can view the indicator from the Properties Information Screen. See IRM, Navigation Overview.
When you try to update the case to either Status 74PC or 21 and there are active indicators, you’ll receive a message and the case status will not update until you resolve the issues.
If you experience issues closing a case, check the following indicators:
Potential Duplicate Flag (General Case Info. tab)
EDS Block Indicator (General Case Info. tab)
Pending Action (General Case Info. tab)
Dishonored Check Indicator (Receipt and Handling tab)
User Fee Indicator (Receipt and Handling tab)
Also check for other reasons that prevent closing in MEDS:
Documents remain in the New Documents folder.
Case documents are checked out.
Payment status not updated to Correct or Verified.
Missing time worked on case.
Classification code not entered.
Right click on the letter and select Move to Working to move the letter to the Working folder.
If the letter is Disclosable but the Document Type and Document Name show Non-Disclosable, right click on the letter and select Change Document Type and Name. Change Document Type and Document Name to Final Letter.
Open the letter and make sure information in the fillable fields is correct.
To make edits to the letter:
Close out of the letter.
Right click on the letter and select Edit.
Click Open at the bottom of the screen. The letter will open in Adobe Acrobat Pro.
Change any incorrect information in fillable fields.
To change selectable paragraphs, click Show Selectable Paragraph Pages. Check the box next to each paragraph you want to add or delete and then click Hide Selectable Paragraph Pages.
If the letter has a Hide Blank Fields check box at the bottom, check it to remove any fillable fields.
Click File and Save As. Save the letter to an encrypted folder on your computer.
Right click on the saved PDF letter file on MEDS and choose Check In. Click the radio button for 1.0 Same Version. Click Browse and choose the letter file you just saved on your desktop. Click Open in the dialog box and then click Ok.
Open the letter and review it to make sure it’s correct. Print if needed.
Verify the MEDS closing information is correct.
Send your signed and completed Reviewer’s Memorandum to the manager to sign and import into the Non-Disclosable folder.
Make a CCR entry in MEDS.
Import any completed forms (for example, Form 2363-A) into the Non-Disclosable folder.
Go to File and select Change Status to change the status. Select the appropriate status change (34AP, 34PA, 34PC, 34) and click Ok.
Verify the case was approved for closure. If the case doesn’t update, click on the BRE Results folder to check for errors.
If the case has no closing letter, there should be a No Closing Letter sheet in the Non-Disclosable folder.
Composed letters are imported by specialists as Word documents.
Save the letter to your desktop.
Make any changes to the letter. When finished, save it as a PDF and name it EIN-Letter Number.
Import the letter into the Working folder. Select Final Letter-Non-Disclosable for the Document Type and Document Name.
Move the original version of the letter to the Purge folder.
Verify the MEDS closing information is correct.
Send the signed and completed Reviewer’s Memorandum to the manager to sign. After the managers signs it, import the Reviewer’s Memorandum into the Non-Disclosable folder.
Make a CCR entry in MEDS.
Import any completed forms (for example, Form 2363-A) into the Non-Disclosable folder.
Go to File and select Change Status to change the status. Select the appropriate status change (34AP, 34PA, 34PC, 34) and click Ok.
Verify the case was approved for closure. If the case doesn’t update, click on the BRE Results folder to check for errors.
Create and save a search for cases ready to close.
Click the Advanced button in the top menu bar.
In the Advance Search window, select Group Number in the first Properties drop down list, leave = in the second drop down and select your Group Number in the third drop down.
Click Add Another Property. Select "and" "Status" "contains" "74" in the drop downs.
Click Add Another Property. Select "and" "Manager Approval" "=" "is true" in the drop downs.
Check the box next to Save Search.
Click Search.
Add a Name and Description for the search.
Click Ok then click Search again.
The results matching your search criteria will appear.
For future searches, click on Saved Searches in the side navigation pane.
Highlight the case to be closed and click on the Folder icon.
Click on the Documents folder.
Click on the Working folder.
Click on the closing letter to be digitally signed and dated. The PDF document will open in a new Internet Explorer window.
The closing letter should be named FinalLetter or FinalLetter-Non-Disclosable. Others forms, letters, and documents should be named by their type or number (for example, FinalLetter-POA or Form 872-B.)
If there is more than one FinalLetter in the Working folder, click on the document with "Current" in the version column.
Enter the closing date in the Date field on the letter by clicking on the Calendar drop down box and selecting the current date. The format will change to mm/dd/yyyy format when you click out of the field.
Scroll to the bottom of the letter. Make sure the EO Director’s name is the current EO Director. If the name is wrong or is blank, enter in the name of the current director.
If [Addendum] is below Enclosures and includes the brackets [ ], it may need to be deleted or edited to remove the brackets [ ]. Check in the heading at the top of the letter:
If Addendum Applies is No, delete [Addendum] below Enclosures.
If Addendum Applies is Yes, remove the brackets [ ] from [Addendum].
Digitally sign the closing letter.
Click inside the signature panel. The Sign Document window opens. Make sure the Sign As: is your Digital ID and Appearance is set to the EO Director signature.
Click Sign.
Enter your SmartID Pin and click Ok. The signature field should be populated.
If the letter has a Hide Blank Fields box, make sure it’s checked.
Print the letter and any forms on the designated network printer. Select the following print options:
Copies: (total number of copies needed: 1 for taxpayer, 1 for POA)
Pages to print: All
Page sizing: Fit
Print on both sides of paper should be unchecked
Orientation: Auto portrait/landscape
Print electronic copies of disclosable letters in TIF format.
Only the final letter gets saved in TIF format. Other forms and letters (for example, Letter 937-A) get saved in PDF format.
Use the Print Form button on the top right of the document (only some letters have this) or the Print icon on the top left of the Adobe menu bar. The Print window will open.
Select Snagit 2020 for the Printer. Select Copies - 1: Pages to Print - All:Page Sizing - Fit: Orientation - Auto portrait/landscape.
Click on Properties. In the Paper/Quality tab, select Black & White in the color area.
Click Advanced. Select Print Quality 600x600 dots per inch. Click Ok, then click Ok in the Properties window.
Back in the Print window click Advanced. Select 600 in the drop down box next to dpi. Then click Ok.
Click Print. The Snagit Editor window should open.
Click File then Save As.
Select the encrypted folder you created to hold MEDS letters.
Enter FinalLetter (no space) as the File Name.
Click on the Save as Type drop down box. Select TIF - Tagged Image File (*tif).
Click Options.
The File Format window should open. Make sure the following settings/options are selected: Colors - 2 colors (1 bit): Subfile type - CCITT Group 4: Multipage box checked.
Click Ok.
Click Save.
Follow IRM (14) to import the documents into MEDS.
Print electronic copies of other Disclosable documents and Non-Disclosable letters and documents in PDF format.
Use the Print Form button on the top right of the document (only some letters have this) or the Print icon on the top left of the Adobe menu bar. The Print window will open.
Select Adobe PDF for the printer. Select Copies - 1: Pages to Print - All:Page Sizing - Fit: Orientation - Auto portrait/landscape.
Click Properties.
In the Adobe/PDF Settings tab select High Quality Print from the Default Settings drop down.
In the Paper/Quality tab, select Black & White in the Color area. Click Ok.
Back in the Print window click Advanced. Select 600 in the drop down box next to dpi. Then click Ok.
Click Print.
The "Save Print Output As" window opens. Select the folder you’ve created to hold MEDS letters. Enter the file name as it was saved in the Working folder (for example, FinalLetter-Non-Disclosable, FinalLetter-POA, etc.).
Click Save.
If it’s successful, close the Internet Explorer window with the fillable PDF document.
Follow IRM (14) to import the documents into MEDS.
Back in the MEDS Working folder, any documents that don’t have to be digitally signed and dated should be opened and printed to send to the taxpayer and representative(s). Print the documents to the designated network printer. Select Copies - 1 for taxpayer, 1 for each POA: Pages to Print - All: Page Sizing - Fit: Uncheck the box next to Print on both sides of paper: Orientation - Auto portrait/landscape.
After printing, close the Internet Explorer window and move the documents from the Working folder to the Disclosable or Non-Disclosable folder that corresponds to the type of case/closing letter. Highlight the document to move and then click on File. Select Move to Disclosable or Move to Non-Disclosable and then click Ok. See IRM, Moving a Document, for information on moving documents between Document folders.
Import saved TIFF and PDF letters and documents into MEDS.
Click Documents in the cabinet/case file link above the column headers to return to the Documents menu. Click on the Document folder that corresponds to the type of letter to import: Disclosable or Non-Disclosable.
In the Disclosable or Non-Disclosable folder click File in the MEDS menu bar and then click on Import.
Click Browse to find your letter to import.
Select the folder you created to hold MEDS letters. Click on the document you want to import and then Open.
The "Import Object Definition" window will open.
For case closing letters, the file name should be either FinalLetter or FinalLetter-Non-Disclosable. Document Type and Document Name in the drop down lists should be Final Letter for Disclosable and Final Letter - Non-Disclosable for Non-Disclosable.
For POA letters and other non-closing letters/documents, the file name should be FinalLetter-POA or the form/letter number (for example, Form 872-B). Select Final Letter-POA in the Document Type and Document name drop downs for Letter 937-A. For other forms, letters and documents, select Other for Document Type and leave Document Name blank.
Click Finish.
Click on the MEDS Case Number in the cabinet/case file link above the column headers to return to the main case file menu.
Cases updated to Status 74 or 74PC are submitted for managerial review. The status update is reflected for these cases in the manager’s My Cases cabinet.
After you review the case, you can:
Check the Manager Approved box on the EO Closing Data tab.
Update the case to another open status on MEDS (for example, Manager Returned to Specialist (Status 53), Group Unassigned Inventory (Status 75), etc.).
You can update a single case or multiple cases.
To update a single case, open the case to the case level view:
Click File.
Click Change Status (or highlight the case information line then right click on the case information line and select Change Status from the dialog box).
Select desired status and click OK to complete.
To update multiple cases:
Click My Cases and highlight the case line of the case to be updated (hold the Ctrl key down when clicking on the case line to select multiple cases to update).
Click File.
Click Change Status (or right click on one of the case lines and select Change Status from the dialog box).
Select desired status and click OK to complete.
Depending on a case’s current status, the manager can select any of the following status codes using the drop down menu:
QA Group Unassigned - 31
Assign to QA Reviewer - 32
Proposed Denial - 35
Suspend - 37
QA Suspend - 38
Unassigned Inventory (Non-Merit) - 51
Assigned to Specialist (Non-Merit) - 52
In Office of Appeals - 54
Manager Returned to Specialist (Non-Merit) - 53
Unassigned Inventory (Tax Examiner) - 61
Assigned to Tax Examiner- 62
Manager Returned Case to Tax Examiner- 64
Unassigned Inventory (Pre-Determ) - 71
Assigned to Specialist (Pre-Determ) - 72
Manager Returned to Specialist (Pre-Determ) - 73
For Manager Review - 74
For Proposed Closure - 74PC
Managerial Review Returned by QA - 74QA
Group Transfer - 75
Unassigned Group Inventory - 75
After it is assigned, unassigned, or reassigned, a confirmation screen appears. The confirmation screen allows the assigner to verify whether the desired action took place. Select OK to indicate that the action completed correctly. Select Cancel to abort the action.
If the case can’t be updated to the desired status, MEDS populates a message as to why the case didn’t update. The manager may resolve the issue or return the case to the specialist to resolve.
When a case is marked for Mandatory Review, the Mandatory Review Indicator is set to "T" on the General Case Info tab in Case Information. The Mandatory Review Type lists the reason for mandatory review.
To turn the Mandatory Review indicator on or off or change the reason for mandatory review, go to the Case File main menu and highlight the Case Information line.
Click File, click Mandatory Review.
Select the Action.
If setting or changing the reason for Mandatory Review, select the Mandatory Review Type.
Update the case to Status 21 - Closed Case.
With Mandatory Review set to "T," MEDS will automatically update the case to Status 31. The case will then appear in the QA Unassigned Group Inventory.
EO Determination Specialists and Tax Examiners that work cases import closing letters into the MEDS Working folder. A tax examiner will access the letters to digitally sign and date the letters, then print paper copies to send the taxpayer and print electronic copies to import into the MEDS case file. The closing letter saved in the Working folder should still be the original unsigned and undated fillable letter created and imported by the specialist or TE. Use this letter from the Working folder to generate a supersedes letter and update the incorrect information.
In MEDS, search for the case to be updated and open the case file. Click on the Documents folder.
Click on the Working folder.
Click on the closing letter to be updated.
The fillable PDF document will open in a new Internet Explorer window. Use this letter to update the incorrect information and include a supersedes selectable paragraph.
Click Show Selectable Paragraph Pages to include a supersedes selectable paragraph with the variable information.
Click Hide Selectable Paragraph Pages when finished with selectable paragraphs.
Update incorrect information and add variable data to selectable paragraphs.
Ensure the Hide Blank Fields box is checked before saving.
Save the updated letter to an encrypted folder on your computer. Click File, then Save As. Save the letter and close the Internet Explorer window with the fillable letter.
Back in the MEDS Working folder, import the updated letter. Click File in the MEDS menu bar. Then select Import.
Click Browse in the first line to find the letter to import.
Find your encrypted folder and select the updated letter to import. Click Open.
Click Next. The Import: Object Definition window opens. Update the following:
Click Finish. The updated supersedes letter has been imported and is ready to be digitally signed and dated. See IRM, Group Tax Examiner Case Closing Procedures, for instructions on digitally signing and dating the letter.