Schedule K-1, Form 1065 (Final)


V - Variable, N - Numerical, A - Alpha

Schedules K-1 two-dimensional bar code specifications for Form 1065

Field order Field name Description Length Format Comments
1 Header Header Version Number 2 V "T1"
2 Developer Code 4 digit code used to identify the Software Developer whose application produced the bar code. 4 N  
3 Jurisdiction Designates federal tax returns, must be "US" 2 A "US"
4 Form Number  Must be "1065K1" 6 V "1065K1"
5 Specification Version Identifies which version of specifications were used to create the bar code 1 N "0"
6 Software Version Begin with "0" and increment with each revision 2 N  
7 Tax Period Beginning Calendar Year followed by month and day beginning 8 N (CCYYMMDD)  
8 Tax Period Ending Calendar Year followed by month and day ending  8 N (CCYYMMDD) Example:
Dec 31, 2007 - 20071231,
June 30, 2007 - 20070630
9 Partnership's Identification Number Schedule K-1, box A 9 V Do not include hyphens. 9 numeric digits or the literal "APPLD FOR"
10 Partnership's Name (Line 1) Partnership's 1st name line as it appears in Box B of Schedule K-1 35 V Allowable special characters are space, hyphen, and ampersand
11 Partnership's Name (Line 2) Partner's 2nd name line as it appears in Box B of Schedule K-1 35 V Allowable special characters are space, hyphen, percent (%), and ampersand
12 Partnership's Street Address Partnership's address as it appears in Box B of Schedule K-1 35 V Allowable special characters are space, hyphen, slash 
13 Partnership's City City name as it appears on Schedule K-1, Box B 22 A Allowable special characters are space (but not more than one consecutive space followed by characters)
14 Partnership's State State as it appears on Schedule K-1, Box B 2 A Enter Standard State Code
15 Partnership's ZIP Code ZIP Code as it appears in Box B, Schedule K-1 9 N Allow leading zeros
16 IRS Center where Partnership Filed Box C 12 V Indicate city where Form 1065 is filed 
17 Publicly Traded Partnership Question Check box, D 1 V Enter a "X" if the box is checked, blank if not
18 Partner's Identification Number  Schedule K1, Box E 9 V Do not include hyphens. 9 numeric digits or the literal "APPLD FOR"
19 Partner's Name (Line 1) Partner's 1st name line as it appears in Box F of Schedule K-1 40 V Allowable special characters are hyphen (-), space, and ampersand (&)
20 Partner's Name (Line 2) Partner's 2nd name line as it appears in Box F of Schedule K-1 40 V Allowable special characters are hyphen (-), space, percent (%), and ampersand (&)
21 Partner's Street Address Partner's address as it appears in Box F of Schedule K-1 35 V Allowable special characters are hyphen (-), space, and slash (/)
22 Partner's City City name as it appears in Box F, Schedule K-1. 22 A Allowable special characters are space (but not more than one consecutive space followed by characters)
23 Partner's State State as it appears in Box F, Schedule K-1. 2 A  
24 Partner's ZIP Code ZIP Code as it appears in Box F, Schedule K-1 9 N Allow leading zeros
25 General or Limited Question Question G 1 N Indicate type of partner:
1 = General Partner or LLC Member-Manager     
2 = Limited Partner or LLC Member
26 Domestic of Foreign Partner? Question H 1 N 1 = Domestic Partner     
2 = Foreign Partner
27 Disregarded Entity Line H2 Checkbox 1 V Enter a "X" if the box is checked, blank if not
28 Partner's TIN Question H2 9 N Indicate Partner’s TIN
29 Partner’s Name Question H2 40 V Indicate Partner’s Name
30 What Type Entity is Partner? Question I1 12 V Indicate partners entity type per instructions
31 If the partner is in a retirement plan(IRA-SEP-Keogh, etc) check here Question I2 1 V Enter a "X" if the box is checked, blank if not
32 Partner's Share Profit Beginning Question J 1st line Beginning 6 N See percentage instructions above
33 Partner's Share Profit Ending Question J 1st line Ending 6 N See percentage instructions above
34 Partner's Share Loss Beginning Question J 2nd line Beginning 6 N See percentage instructions above
35 Partner's Share Loss Ending Question J 2nd line Ending 6 N See percentage instructions above
36 Partner's Share Capital Beginning Question J 3rd line Beginning 6 N See percentage instructions above
37 Partner's Share Capital Ending Question J 3rd line Ending 6 N See percentage instructions above
38 Check if decrease is due to sale Line J Partner’s Share of Profit Checkbox 1 V Enter a "X" if the box is checked,
blank if not
39 Check if decrease is due to exchange of partnership interest Line J Partner’s Share of Profit Checkbox 1 V Enter a “X” if the box is checked,
blank if not
40 Partner's Share of Liabilities Nonrecourse Beginning Question K1 1st line- Beginning 12 N  Numeric only or literal "STMT"
41 Partner's Share of Liabilities Nonrecourse Ending Question K1 1st line- Ending 12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
42 Partner's Share of Liabilities Qualified Nonrecourse Financing Beginning Question K1 2nd line Beginning 12 V  Numeric only or literal "STMT"
43 Partner's Share of Liabilities Qualified Nonrecourse Financing Ending Question K1 2nd line Ending 12 V  Numeric only or literal "STMT"
44 Partner's Share Liabilities Recourse Beginning Question K1 3rd Line Beginning. 12 V  Numeric only or literal "STMT"
45 Partner's Share Liabilities Recourse Ending Question K1 3rd Line Ending. 12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
46 Check this box if item K includes Liability Amounts from Lower Tier Partnerships Line K2 Partner’s Share of Liabilities Checkbox 1 V Enter a "X" if the box is checked, blank if not
47 Check if the above liability is subject to guarantees or other payment obligations by the partner. Line K3 Partner’s Guarantees or Payment Obligation Checkbox 1 V Enter a “X” if the box is checked,
Blank if not
48 Partner's Beginning Capital Account  Question L 1st Line 12 N  
49 Capital Contributed During Year Question L 2nd Line 12 N  
50 Current Year Net Income (Loss) Question L 3rd Line 12 N  
51 Other Increase (decrease) (attach explanation) Question L 4th Line 12    
52 Withdrawals and Distributions Question L 5th Line 12 N Positive only
53 Ending Capital Account Question L 6th Line 12 N  
54 Did the Partner contribute property with a built-in gain or loss Question M Check Box 1 N 1= Yes      
2= No
55 Partner’s Share of Net Unrecognized Section 704(c) Gain or (Loss) Beginning Question N First Line 12 N  
56 Partner’s Share of Net Unrecognized Section 704(c) Gain or (Loss) Ending Question N 2nd Line 12 N  
57 Final K-1 Check Box Final Check Box in Upper Right 1 V Enter a "X" if Final box is checked, blank if not
58 Amended K-1 Amended Check Box in Upper Right 1 V Enter a "X" if Amended box is checked, blank if not
59 Ordinary Business Income/Loss Code Line 1 Code Box  2 A Enter Alpha designator and/or asterisk per instructions
60 Ordinary Business Income/Loss Amount from Schedule K-1, Line 1 12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
61 Net Rental Real Estate Income/Loss Code Line 2 Code Box  2 A Enter Alpha designator and/or asterisk per instructions
62 Net Rental Real Estate Income/Loss Amount from Schedule K-1, Line 2 12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
63 Other Net Rental Income/Loss Code Line 3 Code Box  2 A Enter Alpha designator and/or asterisk per instructions
64 Other Net Rental Income/Loss Amount from Schedule K-1, Line 3 12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
65 Guaranteed Payments for Services code Line 4a Code Box 2 A Enter Alpha designator and/or asterisk per instructions
66 Guaranteed Payments Services Amount from Schedule K-1, Line 4a 12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
67 Guaranteed Payments for Capital code Line 4b Code Box 2 A Enter Alpha designator and/or asterisk per instructions
68 Guaranteed Payments for Capital Amount from Schedule K-1, Line 4b 12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
69 Total Guaranteed Payments Code Line 4c Code Box 2 A Enter Alpha designator and/or asterisk per instructions
70 Total Guaranteed Payments Amount from Schedule K-1, Line 4c 12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
71 Interest Income Code Line 5 Code Box  2 A Enter Alpha designator and/or asterisk per instructions
72 Interest Income Amount from Schedule K-1, Line 5 12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
73 Ordinary Dividends Code Line 6a Code Box  2 A Enter Alpha designator and/or asterisk per instructions
74 Ordinary Dividends Amount from Schedule K-1, Line 6a 12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
75 Qualified Dividends Code Line 6b Code Box  2 A Enter Alpha designator and/or asterisk per instructions
76 Qualified Dividends Amount from Schedule K-1, Line 6b 12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
77 Dividend Equivalents Code Line 6c Code Box 2 A Enter Alpha designator and/or asterisk per instructions
78 Dividend Equivalents Amount from Schedule K-1, Line 6C 12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
79 Royalties Code Line 7 Code Box  2 A Enter Alpha designator and/or asterisk per instructions
80 Royalties Amount from Schedule K-1, Line 7 12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
81 Net Short-Term Capital Gain/Loss Code Line 8 Code Box  2 A Enter Alpha designator and/or asterisk per instructions
82 Net Short-Term Capital Gain/Loss  Amount from Schedule K-1, Line 8 12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
83 Net Long-Term Capital Gain/Loss Code Line 9a Code Box  2 A Enter Alpha designator and/or asterisk per instructions
84 Net Long-Term Capital Gain/Loss  Amount from Schedule K-1, Line 9a 12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
85 Collectibles (28%) Gain/Loss Code Line 9b Code Box  2 A Enter Alpha designator and/or asterisk per instructions
86 Collectibles (28%) Gain/Loss Amount from Schedule K-1, Line 9b 12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
87 Unrecaptured Section 1250 Gain Code Line 9c Code Box  2 A Enter Alpha designator and/or asterisk per instructions
88 Unrecaptured Section 1250 Gain Line 9c Amount 12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
89 Net Section 1231 Gain/Loss Code Line 10 Code Box  2 A Enter Alpha designator and/or asterisk per instructions
90 Net Section 1231 Gain/Loss  Line 10 Amount 12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
91 Other Income/Loss Amount 1 Code Line 11 Code Box 1 2 A Enter Alpha designator and/or asterisk per instructions
92 Other Income/Loss Amount 1 Line 11 Amount 1 12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
93 Other Income/Loss Amount 2 Code Line 11 Code Box 2 2 A Enter Alpha designator and/or asterisk per instructions
94 Other Income/Loss Amount 2 Line 11 Amount 2 12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
95 Section 179 Expense Deduction Line 12
Code Box
2 A Enter Alpha designator and/or asterisk per instructions
96 Section 179 Expense Deduction Line 12
12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
97 Other Deductions Amount 1 Code Line 13 Code Box 1 2 A Enter Alpha designator and/or asterisk per instructions
98 Other Deductions Amount 1 Line 13 Amount 1 12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
99 Other Deductions Amount 2 Code Line 13 Code Box 2 2 A Enter Alpha designator and/or asterisk per instructions
100 Other Deductions Amount 2 Line 13 Amount 2 12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
101 Other Deductions Amount 3 Code Line 13 Code Box 3 2 A Enter Alpha designator and/or asterisk per instructions
102 Other Deductions Amount 3 Line 13 Amount 3 12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
103 Self-employment Earnings/Loss Amount 1 Code Line 14 Code Box 1 2 A Enter Alpha designator and/or asterisk per instructions
104 Self-employment Earnings/Loss Amount 1 Line 14 Amount 1 12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
105 Self-employment Earnings/Loss Amount 2 Code Line 14 Code Box 2 2 A Enter Alpha designator and/or asterisk per instructions
106 Self-employment Earnings/Loss Amount 2 Line 14 Amount 2 12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
107 Credits Code 1 Line 15 Code Box 1 2 A Enter Alpha designator and/or asterisk per instructions
108 Credits Amount 1 Line 15 Amount 1 12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
109 Credits Code 2 Line 15 Code Box 2 2 A Enter Alpha designator and/or asterisk per instructions
110 Credits Amount 2 Line 15 Amount 2 12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
 111 Scheduled K-3 is Attached Line 16 Checkbox 1 V “X” if checked, blank if not
112 AMT Items Amount 1 Code Line 17 Code Box 1 2 A Enter Alpha designator and/or asterisk per instructions
113 AMT Items Amount 1 Line 17 Amount 1 12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
114 AMT Items Amount 2 Code Line 17 Code Box 2 2 A Enter Alpha designator and/or asterisk per instructions
115 AMT Items Amount 2 Line 17 Amount 2 12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
116 AMT Items Amount 3 Code Line 17 Code Box 3 2 A Enter Alpha designator and/or asterisk per instructions
117 AMT Items Amount 3 Line 17 Amount 3 12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
118 Tax Exempt Income & Nondeductible Expenses Amount 1 Code Line 18 Code Box 1 2 A Enter Alpha designator and/or asterisk per instructions
119 Tax Exempt Income & Nondeductible Expenses Amount 1 Line 18 Amount 1 12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
120 Tax Exempt Income & Nondeductible Expenses Amount 2 Code Line 18 Code Box 2 2 A Enter Alpha designator and/or asterisk per instructions
121 Tax Exempt Income & Nondeductible Expenses Amount 2 Line 18 Amount 2 12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
122 Tax Exempt Income & Nondeductible Expenses Amount 3 Code Line 18 Code Box 3 2 A Enter Alpha designator and/or asterisk per instructions
123 Tax Exempt Income & Nondeductible Expenses Amount 3 Line 18 Amount 3 12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
124 Distributions Amount 1 Code Line 19 Code Box 1 2 A Enter Alpha designator and/or asterisk per instructions
125 Distributions Amount 1 Line 19 Amount 1 12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
126 Distributions Amount 2 Code Line 19 Code Box 2 2 A Enter Alpha designator and/or asterisk per instructions
127 Distributions Amount 2 Line 19 Amount 2 12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
128 Other Information Amount 1 Code Line 20 Code Box 1 2 A Enter Alpha designator and/or asterisk per instructions
129 Other Information Amount 1 Line 20 Amount 1 12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
130 Other Information Amount 2 Code Line 20 Code Box 2 2 A Enter Alpha designator and/or asterisk per instructions
131 Other Information Amount 2 Line 20 Amount 2 12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
132 Other Information Amount 3 Code Line 20 Code Box 3 2 A Enter Alpha designator and/or asterisk per instructions
133 Other Information Amount 3 Line 20 Amount 3 12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
134 Other Information Amount 4 Code Line 20 Code Box 4 2 A Enter Alpha designator and/or asterisk per instructions
135 Other Information Amount 4 Line 20 Amount 4 12 V Numeric only or literal "STMT"
136 Foreign Taxes Paid or Accrued Code Line 21 Code Box 1 2 A Enter Alpha designator and/or
Asterisk per instructions
137 Foreign Taxes Paid or Accrued Amount Line 21 Amount Box 1 12 V Numeric only or literal “STMT”
138 More than one activity for at-risk purposes Line 22 Checkbox 1 V "X" if checked, blank if not
139 More than one activity for passive activity purposes Line 23 Checkbox 1 V "X" if checked, blank if not
140 Trailer Indicates end of data, must be "*EOD*" 5 V "*EOD*"

V - Variable, N - Numerical, A - Alpha