Spring 2012 Statistics of Income Bulletin Now Available | Internal Revenue Service

Spring 2012 Statistics of Income Bulletin Now Available


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IR-2012-58, May 25, 2012

WASHINGTON — The Internal Revenue Service today announced that the spring 2012 issue of the Statistics of Income Bulletin is available to the general public. This issue features information on high-income individual income tax returns filed for tax year 2009.

Taxpayers filed more than 3.9 million returns with adjusted gross incomes of $200,000 or more. These high-income returns represent almost 2.8 percent of all returns filed for 2009.

The Statistics of Income (SOI) Division produces the SOI Bulletin on a quarterly basis.  Articles included in the publication provide the most recent data available from various tax and information returns filed by U.S. taxpayers. This issue of the SOI Bulletin also includes articles on the following:

  • Noncash charitable contributions.  For tax year 2009, 21.9 million individual taxpayers who itemized deductions reported $31.8 billion in deductions for noncash charitable contributions
  • Individual retirement arrangements (IRAs).  At the end of tax year 2008, individual income taxpayers held $3.7 trillion in IRAs, based on fair market value. 
  • Foreign recipients of U.S. income.  For tax year 2009, U.S. source income payments to foreign persons totaled $546.5 billion.  
  • Corporate income.  For each tax year between 2004 and 2008, on average, 5 percent of corporate Schedule M-3 filers reported taxable income of more than $18.3 million.
  • Gift tax returns. Individuals filed 223,000 federal gift tax returns to report almost $37.9 billion in assets transferred during 2009.
  • Income and wealth.  Almost 21 percent of estate tax decedents who died in 2007 reported income in the top 1 percent of the adjusted gross income distribution for tax year 2006.

The Statistics of Income Bulletin is available for download at IRS.gov/taxstats. Printed copies of the Statistics of Income Bulletin are available from the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954. The annual subscription rate is $53 ($74.20 foreign), single issues cost $39 ($48.75 foreign).

For more information about these data, write to the Director, Statistics of Income (SOI) Division, RAS:S, Internal Revenue Service, P.O. Box 2608, Washington, DC 20013-2608.

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