Would you like to help people in your community? You can help folks with low to moderate incomes and many senior citizens file their taxes.
Volunteers are always needed for the IRS Volunteer Income Tax Assistance and Tax Counseling for the Elderly programs… better known as VITA and TCE.
Each year thousands of volunteers help prepare millions of tax returns at sites nationwide.
Many volunteer roles are available. You can help as a greeter, an interpreter or a computer specialist.
Most of all, we need tax preparers.
As a volunteer tax preparer, you'll learn how to prepare individual income tax returns.
You'll also help taxpayers get the tax credits and deductions to which they're entitled.
In fact, most people who visit our VITA and TCE sites get tax refunds, which could provide them with much needed financial assistance.
If you'd like to volunteer… go to IRS.gov/volunteers and fill out the sign-up form.
The IRS will put you in touch with VITA and TCE organizations in your community and answer any questions you may have about the volunteer process.
To sign up and make a difference in your community, go to IRS.gov/volunteers.