News Releases for May 2007 | Internal Revenue Service

News Releases for May 2007


Notice: Historical Content

This is an archival or historical document and may not reflect current law, policies or procedures.

IR-2007-109, May 31, 2007 — The Internal Revenue Service today alerted taxpayers to the latest versions of an e-mail scam intended to fool people into believing they are under investigation by the agency’s Criminal Investigation division.

IR-2007-108, May 25, 2007 — The IRS announced that purchasers of qualified Ford Motor Company vehicles may continue to claim the Alternative Motor Vehicle Credit.

IR-2007-107, May 25, 2007 — The IRS announced the appointment of Terri McField to the position of Special Counsel to the Chief Counsel (Legislation) effective May, 29.

IR-2007-106, May 24, 2007 — Large businesses are invited to apply for membership on the Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee.

IR-2007-105, May 23, 2007 — Recommendations to be presented at the IRS's Advisory Committee on Tax Exempt and Government Entities meeting. Also, new ACT members named.

IR-2007-104, May 23, 2007 — The Commissioners of the Australian, Canadian, United Kingdom and United States tax administrations will open a second office of the Joint International Tax Shelter Information Centre (JITSIC) in London. Plus, Japan will join JITSIC.

IR-2007-103, May 23, 2007 — The IRS announced that it has reached a settlement with the law firm of Sidley Austin LLP, the successor firm of the merger in 2001 between Sidley & Austin and Brown & Wood LLP, which has paid a civil tax shelter promoter penalty of $39.4 million.

IR-2007-102, May 21, 2007 — Almost $8 million in matching grants has been awarded to Low Income Taxpayer Clinics for the 2007 grant cycle.

IR-2007-101, May 17, 2007 — Matching grants of up to $100,000 per year are available.

IR-2007-100, May 15, 2007 — The recently completed 2007 tax filing season set a number of electronic records, highlighted by over 76 million electronically-filed individual tax returns and more than 140 million visits to, the IRS said.

IR-2007-99, May 11, 2007 — If you're a church or nonprofit, don't forget to request a refund for the federal telephone excise tax you may have paid.

IR-2007-98, May 9, 2007 — Applications for the 2007 allocation for clean coal projects are due to the DOE on or before June 30, 2007. Contrary to the expectation in an earlier information release (IR-2006-184), the IRS no longer expects to change the deadline to June 1.

IR-2007-97, May 7, 2007 — The IRS announced that purchasers of qualified Nissan North America Inc. vehicles may continue to claim the Alternative Motor Vehicle Credit.

IR-2007-96, May 2, 2007 — After reviewing Toyota Motor Sales USA, Inc.’s, 2007 first quarter sales, the IRS announced that purchasers of Toyota and Lexus vehicles may continue to claim the Alternative Motor Vehicle Credit. Based on the number of vehicles sold, the phase-out period for Toyota vehicles began on Oct. 1, 2006.

IR-2007-95, May 2, 2007 — The IRS announced that purchasers of qualified General Motors Corp. hybrid vehicles may continue to claim the Alternative Motor Vehicle Credit.

IR-2007-94, May 1, 2007 — Comments should be submitted to the IRS by May 25, 2007.

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