IR-2005-84, Aug. 30, 2005 — Taxpayers generally will have until Oct. 31, 2005, to file tax returns and submit tax payments.
IR-2005-83, Aug. 29, 2005 — KPMG LLP (KPMG) has admitted to criminal wrongdoing and agreed to pay $456 million in fines, restitution and penalties as part of an agreement to defer prosecution of the firm, the Justice Department and the Internal Revenue Service announced today.
IR-2005-82, Aug. 16, 2005 — Educators should save receipts for classroom supply purchases. These expenses may lower their 2005 taxes.
IR-2005-81, Aug. 8, 2005— The IRS and the Treasury Department today announced the Industry Issue Resolution (IIR) Program will address two new issues.
IR-2005-80, Aug.8, 2005 — The IRS and Department of the Treasury released today the 2005-2006 Priority Guidance Plan.
IR-2005-79, Aug. 8, 2005 —Taxpayers who requested the automatic four-month extension to file their 2004 tax return face an Aug. 15 deadline. People who are unable to meet this approaching deadline may seek an additional two-month extension.
IR-2005-78, Aug. 5, 2005 — The Internal Revenue Service today was recognized for its community-based partnerships that link low-income taxpayers with organizations that prepare tax returns for free, ensure they properly receive tax credits and assist them with ways to build a financial savings. The IRS is the first government agency to receive the prestigious award.
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