IR-2007-93, April 27, 2007 — Applications will be accepted from May 1, 2007, through June 15, 2007, for a three-year membership term beginning January 2008.
IR-2007-92, April 18, 2007 — Taxpayers affected by the major storm that hit the Northeastern United States April 16 now have until Thursday, April 26 to file their tax returns, the Internal Revenue Service said today.
IR-2007-91, April 18, 2007 — Potentially up to several hundred thousand last-minute tax filers were affected by the company's server problems, but those problems have now been resolved.
IR-2007-90, April 17, 2007 — No filing and payment penalties will be due as long as returns are filed and payments made by Oct. 15.
IR-2007-89, April 16, 2007 — Northeast storm making it difficult, if not impossible, for some taxpayers to meet April 17 deadline.
IR-2007-88, April 16, 2007 — Need more time to file? To pay? Those who haven't yet filed or paid can file or pay electronically, request extensions and more.
IR-2007-87, April 13, 2007 — The Internal Revenue Service learned late Friday of a new tax scam on the Internet that lures taxpayers into filing tax information on a site masquerading as a member of the Free File Alliance. The IRS reminded taxpayers the only place to access the Free File program is through the official Web site.
IR-2007-86, April 13, 2007 — Form 1065 or 1065-B partnership returns or requests for extensions may be filed electronically using the new MeF platform.
IR-2007-85, April 12, 2007 — Pay as much as you can by the due date of April 17 in order to minimize any additional interest and penalties on the balance due.
IR-2007-84, April 11, 2007 — Five-year plan includes specific recommendations for improving services for taxpayers and partners.
IR-2007-83, April 11, 2007 — Corporate e-filed returns have increased by nearly 50 percent over this period last year.
IR-2007-82, April 10, 2007 — The IRS urges taxpayers who need additional time to complete their tax return to submit their request for an automatic extension electronically by April 17.
IR-2007-81, April 9, 2007 — With the April 17 tax filing deadline close at hand, the IRS offers some tips for those still working on their paper tax forms.
IR-2007-80, April 6, 2007 — More and more taxpayers are abandoning paper in favor of electronic technology to file tax returns and pay taxes.
IR-2007-79, April 4, 2007 — This year, Tuesday, April 17 is the deadline for filing federal tax returns and paying any taxes owed.
IR-2007-78, April 3, 2007 — The Internal Revenue Service is seeking applicants for vacancies on the Electronic Tax Administration Advisory Committee (ETAAC) during the fall of 2007.
FS-2007-12, January 2007 — Taxpayers should use caution when engaging professional tax return preparers and learn the warning signs of potential fraud.
IR-2007-77, April 3, 2007 — The Internal Revenue Service today urged taxpayers to review their tax returns for common errors that could delay the processing of their return and refund.
IR-2007-76, April 3, 2007 — The Internal Revenue Service is requesting membership nominations for the Information Reporting Program Advisory Committee. The deadline for submitting applications is May 31, 2007.
IR-2007-75, April 2, 2007 — Don't let Internet scammers trick you into revealing private information they can use to steal your identity and your financial assets.
Find previous year news releases and fact sheets from 1997 through last month.